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TW: pain, injuries, and nausea

Virgil woke up to everything aching, but his head was a little more clear now. Before, everything was muddy and confusing, all of his senses were overwhelmed. Now, the pain was a little clearer. Also the smell of smoke and the voices around him.

He opened his eyes and saw clearly now that he was in a cave with three humans from before. They had a fire going and they were eating some fruit.

He sat up but couldn't stop the groan of pain that escaped from his lips, catching the humans attention.

"Hey kiddo, you're awake!" the cheery man greeted, moving forward to help him up.

Virgil let himself lean against the stalagmite that was behind him, being careful with his wings and broken ribs. He swallowed the rising bile as nausea hit him hard, moving was going to be difficult if he stayed like this.

"Are you feeling okay?" Roman asked.

"Do I look okay?" Virgil growled, more as an attempt to ignore the pain than as anger towards Roman. "I feel like a giant stepped on me." He spotted his bag a few feet away from him and remembered the potions he brought. "Can you pass me my bag?"

"Sure thing," Patton responded, handing it over.

Virgil quickly dug through his things and found the wooden box. He didn't have many potions, but he was thankful that he brought the right ones. He pulled out a vial with glowing yellow liquid inside.

"What's that?" Logan asked, more curious than afraid. At least, Virgil didn't act like he was going to hurt any of them. He was definitely in no condition to fight.

"A healing potion, I'm glad it didn't shatter during the fall," Virgil answered before drinking it.

The pain started to ease away from several places, though it wouldn't heal all of his injuries. He had too many and some were far worse than others. It wouldn't be smart of him to take too much of it, too much would make him sick.

"Huh, so you do have a magical potion that could heal wounds," Roman said.

"Virgil, was it?" Logan questioned. "Can I ask what had happened? Your tower collapsed and when we arrived we could only find you there."

"No one else? Are you sure, there wasn't anyone else around?" Virgil asked. He had to know. If Janus and his mom didn't escape...

"Not that we were able to find, no. I'm afraid you were the only one we could find in the rubble."

Virgil cursed under his breath. The fae had to have taken them both. "Then I need to go. To answer your question though, the fae attacked us and destroyed the tower. I couldn't escape before it fell down. They must have both my brother and mom so I need to go rescue them."

He tried to stand up but the second he did black spots danced in his eyes and his legs gave out on him. Patton quickly caught him before he could fall and set him back down.

"You can't go anywhere, you're still hurt. I don't know how long it will take for that healing potion to work, but until you're fully healed, you're sticking with us," Patton demanded.

"I need to go rescue my family! The fae probably have them so unless you want to go to the fairy kingdom or where ever they live in this forest-"

"Yes we do!" Roman quickly interrupted.

"Prince Roman-" Logan tried to say.

"No I don't want to hear it Logan! Your job on this mission is to protect us, and so we are going to save my brother!"

Virgil looked around, confused for a moment. Then he realized that other prince from before was missing. "The fae took your brother too?"

"Yes and I plan on saving him! And nothing-" Roman shot a glare at Logan, "-will get in my way."

"Why do you always insist on going headfirst into danger?" Logan sighed. "Fine, I'll follow your lead."

"Woah, okay, I am not taking any humans to the fae!" Virgil stated. "It's far too dangerous, they'll kidnap and enslave you! You won't come back!"

"Yes we will! I'm determined to find my brother and bring him back home!"

"What are you humans even doing in this forest anyway?!"

"We came here to find the Heart of Life," Patton answered calmly.

"What?" Virgil frowned. "Okay, very funny, what are you actually doing here?"

"That wasn't a joke, we are actually here for the Heart," Roman said.

"Really? Well congrats cause rumor has it, the fae have the Heart. So if you want it then you might be able to take it from the fae when you get your brother back. Actually, I'll even help you!"

"Really!" Roman smiled wide.

"Yeah, sure. I'd love to anger the fae. They already want me dead so why not make them hate me more!"

"Thank you so much!" Roman grabbed Virgil's hands.

Virgil quickly pulled his hands out of the prince's. "Rule number one: don't touch me."

"Sorry." Roman pulled his hands away. "I'm just happy that we're going to have your help."

Virgil sighed. "This is going to be annoying."

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