To good to be true

615 12 0

*signs* so what movie we watching
*signs* how about a horror movie
*signs* uhh
*signs* kidding let's not see a movie let's go the this restaurant called hip hop pree
*signs* sounds good to me
Moments later

*signs* Bose why are you holding the door open
*signs* because the guy opens the door for the girl
*signs* no one has ever done that for me
*signs* well I'm the first then
A few more moments later

*boses phone* I will take a chocolate blended cake
*signs*Chapa what would you like
*signs back* I would like a chocolate blended cake as well
*boses phone* make that two chocolate blended cakes
*signs* so you use your phone to say your Oder smart
*signs* yep
*signs* so how do we know If we're soulmates?
*signs* in every romantic book I have ever read they always have there first kiss by the end of the night
*signs* oh so we have to have a kiss before we know
*signs* no of course not your dating Mika that would be cheating
*signs* Chapa why did you get kicked out of your old schools
*signs* Bose I can't tell you that but I think I can show you come with me
*signs* wait our prees
*signs* leave them
*signs* why are we at the swellview sign
*signs* because Bose do you not see what's over there *points to a building*
*signs* it's a building? So
*signs* come on
*as they walk a little closer Bose realize what this is*
*signs* this is not the mans nest is it
*signs* it is this is my home I'm the daughter of captain man also known as volt
*signs* I have soo many questions but first can I met captain man
*signs* sure
*Chapa hands Bose something*
*signs* here put this behind your ear
*signs* ok
"So Bose what do you hear"
"Ahhhhh I hear your voice" *starts to cry*
"Bose don't cry"
"No it's ok these are happy tears"
"Oh ok"
"Chapa- who's this I told you never to bring people up here"
"Dad this is Bose Bose this is ray also know as captain man"
"Hi sir"
"Well hello Bose"
"We need to know if there is away to tell if we're soulmates with out kissing see Bose has a girlfriend"
"Well I can call schwaz and ask him"
"What's a schwaz"
"He invited the mans nest"
"Dad I am gonna go out to see char and jasp- Chapa who is this"
"Henry this is Bose"
"Hello Bose uhh he don't know does he"
"Yeah he kinda knows"
"Chapa only char and jasp was aloud to know"
"Sorry you try make friends will being deaf"
"Stop fighting henry just go and chapa it can't happen that way"
"Oh Bose"
"I know I'm gonna have to cheat on Mika"
"Or just brake up with her"

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