Chap 9

812 12 5

Doctor: as far as I can see baby A looks like a boy!

Dixie: yay, we have a little soccer player!

Noah: (smiles) we certainly do!

Doctor: (moving the transducer over to baby B) baby B looks like a little girl!

Noah: (kisses Dixie's head) we are getting one of each buba!

Dixie: I'm so excited to have a little soccer player and a little singer!

Doctor: do yall want ultrasound pictures?

Noah: yes please, doc!

(The doctor leaves and comes back with an ultrasound picture)

One of the pictures:

Dixie: they look so big already and I'm only 20 weeks!

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Dixie: they look so big already and I'm only 20 weeks!

Doctor: Dixie I'd advise if you take it easy from 6 and a half month pregnant mark, as your already carrying the twins low which never usually happens at this stage, but it's nothing to worry about as it does happen!

Dixie: okay, thanks doc!

Noah: you ready bub??

Dixie: yep, let's go!

(They go home)

2 weeks later

Dixie: I'm so excited to tell everyone that we are having a boy and girl!

Noah: me too, Only 2 hours and everyone will know!

Dixie: I'm excited to welcome our little beans into the world, get to play with them when they get older, and show them love!

Noah: me to baby, but we should probably start getting ready..

Dixie: yeah!

(Dixie and Noah both change into their outfits)

Dixie's outfit:

Dixie's outfit:

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Noah's outfit:

Noah's outfit:

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