Chap 15

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20 minutes later

(Dixie straps the twins into their car seats)

Dixie: I'm ready bub!

Noah: alright, let's go!

(Noah and Dixie head downstairs both holding a twin)

Noah: are you guys ready?

Haley: yeah, me and Tatum are!

Mr beck: me and your mom are.

Noah: well let's get going!

Mrs beck: me and your dad will meet you guys there since we have to take 2 cars.

Haley: okay!

Tatum: okay, I guess we are taking my car!

Noah: I'm down with that!

Dixie: (smiles) I'm okay, with it too.

Noah: (strapping Jayda into the car) so Haley, do you like being an aunt?

Haley: (smiles) Ofc I do, even though I just met them!

Dixie: (strapping Jaydan into the car) do you guys know why Sophie doesn't like me?

Tatum: she just doesn't know how to cope with change, but you are part of this family so she has to get used to you being around!

(They all get in the car and head to Binkleys)

Noah: this is my favourite place!

Dixie: it looks amazing !

Haley: oh, it is!

Tatum: (giggles) yeah, Noah used to come here all the time!

Noah: this place is so good!

(Noah gets out and opens all the girls doors then gets the twins out)

Dixie: do you want me to take one of the twins?

Noah: No it's okay, I've got them!

Dixie: are you sure?

Noah: yep!

(They meet Noah's parents and go into the restaurant and sit down)

Waiter: (staring at Dixie) welcome to binkleys, what can I get you to drink?

Noah: I'll get a water!

Dixie: I'll have a sprite please.

Haley and Tatum: make that 3 sprites.

Mr beck: I'll get a coke please!

Mrs beck: I'll get a Pepsi please!

Waiter: okay, I'll be back!

(The waiter winks at Dixie before walking away)

Dixie: (whispers to Noah) that waiter makes me uncomfortable, he keeps staring at me...

Noah: (whispers back) switch seats with me so your on the inside.

Dixie: (whispers) thank you buba!

(Noah and Dixie switch seats)

Mrs beck: are you two okay?

Noah: the waiter makes dix feel uncomfortable, so we switched seats..

Mrs beck: oh okay!

(The waiter comes back over with their drinks and starts staring at Dixie again)

Waiter: okay, water?

Noah: that's mine!

Waiter: (gives Noah his drink) sprite?

Dixie: that's mine..

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