Chap 5

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Noah: hey baby, you look cute!

Dixie: thanks buba!

Bryce: (yells) let's get this party started!

(They turn music on and people start arriving)

1 hour later

Addi: (yells) let's play spin the bottle!

Charli: ooo yeah!

(Dixie looks at Noah and Noah looks back at her)

Dixie: I'm gonna sit this one out..

Noah: same!

Bryce: oh ok.

(Everyone plays spin the bottle except Noah and Dixie)

Dixie: babe, I'm getting tired..

Noah: do you want to go up to a room and lay down?

Dixie: yes please.

Noah: okay, let's go!

(Noah picks up Dixie and goes upstairs into a room)

Dixie: Noah, do you think I look bigger than a 3 week pregnant woman?

Noah: No babe, you look fine why?

Dixie: all the girls said I looked like I was 10 weeks..

(Dixie puts her head down)

Noah: (lifts her chin up) babe, you know you look perfect no matter how far Along you are.

Dixie: (kisses him then lays on his chest) thanks buba!

Noah: (plays with Dixie's hair) I love you babe!

Dixie: (in a tired voice) I love you too baby!

(Dixie falls asleep and Noah waits a few minutes to make sure she is fully asleep before going downstairs)

Bryce: hey Noah, whares dix??

Noah: oh, she is upstairs sleeping in one of the rooms..

Bryce: but it's her birthday...

Noah: and she is pregnant.

Addi: Bryce, can you shut up and leave Dixie alone!

Noah: oh and by the way girls I was talking to dix and she was saying yall said she looks bigger than a 3 week pregnant woman.

Addi: we did..

Noah: Addi, you know how insecure Dixie is.

Addi: I know, but we made her feel better...

Noah: yeah, right.

(Noah goes back upstairs to Dixie)

Dixie: (wakes up) hey bub..

Noah: hey baby girl!

Dixie: whare did you go? I was comfortable!

Noah: I was downstairs..

Dixie: oh, okay.

3 hours later

(Dixie and Noah are back at Dixie's house)

Dixie: babe, do you think we should get an ultrasound scheduled??

Noah: yeah, let me get the laptop!

(Noah goes through to the bedroom to grab his laptop then goes back into the lounge and sits on the sofa next to Dixie)

Dixie: I'm so excited to see our little bean!

Noah: same, I'm excited to meet the little bean!

(Noah kisses Dixie then kisses her stomach)

Dixie: you are gonna be the best father!

Noah: you are gonna be a wonderful mother too little bean!

Dixie: (kisses his cheek) thank you buba!

(They book their ultrasound for Saturday)

Dixie: (frowns) ugh, I have school tomorrow and I'm already showing!

Noah: don't worry about it bub.

Dixie: everyone is gonna call me names and stuff!

(Dixie puts her head down)

Noah: (lifts her head up) babe, remember that you are growing life inside you. And we are starting a family!

Dixie: yeah, but what if the baby gets hurt??

Noah: just stay in my class all day!

Dixie: I'm not sitting in a class with sophomores!

Noah: then stay with Addi all day and during the times I'm not teaching a class you can come sit with me!

(Noah puts his hands on her face)

Dixie: are you sure?

Noah: ofc I am, but we need to be careful since we are dating..

Dixie: yeah, but what happens if one of the girls we seen at the mall says something??

Noah: nessa has them handled.

Dixie: can we watch a movie then??

Noah: ofc, babe anything for you!

(They watch a movie and Dixie ends up falling asleep on Noah)

Noah: (picks Dixie up and takes her to bed) night baby girl, I love you!

(kisses her head then falls asleep)

Authors note:
Short chapter lol
I love you guys so much
Word Count: 639

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