H-help me (Thorn X Solar)

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Idea was from Kak Star (@starblank1512 on Twitter)


It was a bright sunny day in the Elemental household. Everyone was minding their own business. Halilintar was with Taufan, cleaning up the garage. Gempa was as usual cooking, Ice and Blaze were gaming and Thorn was out getting some things for everyone. Solar however, was bored out of his mind. So, he decided to go for a walk at the park.

At the park...... Honestly there wasn't anything to do at the park. It was empty. "Tsk, kids these days. Not knowing the benefits of sunlight", the tall boy continued walking around the park until he came across a swing and playground. He couldn't hold his inner child and he ran over to the swing set. Luckily, he had a petite frame, thus making it easy for him to sit in the swing set, intended for children. He swung like normal, gradually going higher and higher. Solar was getting more excited until......

" Oof" he kissed the ground. Literally. He flew and landed on the pavement. Said boy slowly got up and when he tried to stand up... "Woah woah bad idea" He sat back down on the pavement before he fell down. He rolled up his pants and there it was. His knees bleeding. "Not on my white pants" Solar was sad because not only he stained his favourite pair of pants, he was unable to stand. He was one of the strongest out of the Elementals but when he scrapped his knees, he's a baby now. He whimpered softly and cried to himself, feeling bad that he isn't strong.

Thorn was walking back from the convenient store passing through the park when he saw someone familiar on the side of the pavement. "Is that... " The green-eyed boy walked closer and there he was. Solar was curled up in a ball, whimpering and crying. Thorn being the good friend he was ran over to Solar and kneeled in front of the injured boy. "Solar? Everything okay? "

Solar looked up and when he saw Thorn, he let himself go and hugged the green-eyed boy tightly while crying into his neck. Thorn didn't know what to do, but being the friendly boy he was, he hugged Solar back. "C-can you help me? I-i injured myself... " Thorn was a little taken aback since well, it was the first time he was injured and told anyone that he was. "Of course. Get on my back"

Solar was a little surprised to hear that but before he could retaliate, Thorn took Solar hands, wrapped it around his own neck and stood up making Solar get on his back. Solar, due to instinct, wrapped his legs around Thorn's waist, unintentionally making the two blush from embarrassment and cuteness.

"You okay back there?" Thorn looked back at Solar who nodded cutely at him. Thorn smiled and started walking home. The two wearing a light pink blush on their faces as they walked past everyone else at the park.

~To Be Continued~

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