He's my little flower (Solar X Thorn part 2)

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Solar was a little surprised to hear that but before he could retaliate, Thorn took Solar hands, wrapped it around his own neck and stood up making Solar get on his back. Solar, due to instinct, wrapped his legs around Thorn's petite waist, unintentionally making the two blush from embarrassment and cuteness.

"You okay back there?" Thorn looked back at Solar who nodded cutely at him. Thorn smiled and started walking home. The two wearing a light pink blush on their faces as they walked past everyone else at the park.

Back at the Elemental household, it was empty to say the least as the two arrived back.. "E-eh?" Was what the two boys managed to spit out. The two...well mostly Thorn since Solar was on him, walked around the house after putting the things Solar bought in the kitchen. They checked the garage, the game room, cinema room. Empty. "Let's check upstairs" Solar said to Thorn before trying to get off Thorn's back. Thorn sensed that Solar was about to get off his back so Thorn tightened his grip on Solar's legs and thighs making the older elemental blush. "W-what's wrong Thorn?"

"Don't you dare think I'm letting you walk" Thorn looked back at Solar and gave a stern but cute look. "Uh um... S-sorry" Thorn smiled and carried Solar up the stairs. Nobody was in the house, the rooms empty, silence filled the house. "Thorny... I don't think anyone is home" Thorn blushed, for the first time Solar called him "Thorny". " Yeah... Do you want me to put you in your room or should we go back down?" Solar thought about it for a second and then said "let's go back down Thorny" Thorn smiled and nodded before making his way back downstairs to sit his older brother on the couch. "You want anything abang?" Solar blushed lightly listening to his younger brother call him abang. He liked it honestly.

"Nah abang. Water like you asked" Solar smiled and takes the cup from Thorn, taking a sip before putting the cup down. At the same time, he saw Thorn yawn. He sweared that will be the cutest thing he has ever seen. "Come here Thorny. I know you're tired right? " Thorn was taken aback from the offer but shrugged his shoulders before laying his head on Solar's lap, fully laying on the couch. Solar rubbed his little brother's head. Slowly he yawned and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

"You're so cute Thorn. I promise... I'll protect you forever. No one will ever hurt you. My little flower" Solar smiled and landed a light kiss on Thorn's forehead. The boy under him giving a cute light smile while sleeping. Solar yawned and slowly fell asleep with his hand intertwined with Thorn's hand.


~20 minutes later~


Hali walked in the house with Ice. Groceries in hand. Ais didn't notice and just walked past the living room. Hali however saw the two entities on the couch. He smirked and took a picture of the two before walking to the kitchen. "Now I have the upper hand Solar"

The thunder elemental was now in his room, he took out his phone and saw the picture again. Smiling to himself. Seeing his two brothers happy.

"Protect your flower Solar.... "

Ahhh finally an update. I'm sorry for the 3/4 month wait. I was focusing too much on The Shadow To My Thunderstorm and Love, Secret and Betrayal. I would also like to address that this one shot might be taking a turn to the more romantic side. But don't worry, I'll put a warning on top of chapter. Hope you enjoy and see you in my other stories or here again! Byeee~

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