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next day

kenma slipped on a red and black striped long sleeved crop top, with a pair of black cuffed jeans with a belt, with black boots.

once he finished getting ready, kenma decided to tie his hair up in a small low bun, with two pieces of hair strands on the front.

he grabbed his bag, and went downstairs atsumu was still getting ready but osamu was eating.

osamu was wearing a white collared shirt under a black sweat shirt, he was wearing a silver chain necklace, and the black pants atsumu got yesterday.

"oh ? you dressing nice ? is this to impressive a certain person" kenma asked and osamu blushed and shook his head

"no i did it for my own benefit" "and what's that ?" kenma said putting his hands on his hips ".... shut yer trap" kenma laughed

"IM READY" atsumu says, he was swearing a black and white plaid skirt, a cami top with a lace trim hook on the front, with a over sized leather jacket.

"let's go" osamu said once he finished eating.

few minutes later

they arrived at school, once again, girls drooling over them. suna saw osamu and decided to walk with him.

kuroo was looking at kenma, he didn't want to admit it but... he couldn't help but stare at the male.

he knew kenma was beautiful, but what kenma said was true.

only reason he bullied kenma was for attention. specifically kenmas attention.

sakusa stared at atsumu, he admired the boys legs. he then thought for a second.

he didn't know either to become friends with atsumu and earn his love or risk losing kuroo as a friend.

sakusa didn't know why kuroo even bullied kenma in the first place, sure kuroo insisted it was because he didn't like the 'loser' but sakusa felt as if there was something more to it.

but he wasn't gonna question, not now at least.

2 hours later

kenma and atsumu were walking to lunch. they didn't want to stay inside, so they grabbed their lunch and went outside to eat it.

they sat down on the grass, they noticed two other people were outside as well, but they were smoking instead.

kenma and atsumu were talking about nonsense but the people who were smoking interrupted them.

"can we sit here" kuroo asked and kenma rolled his eyes "no smoke somewhere else"

"we won't smoke" sakusa added and kuroo gave him a look "omi can stay here i guess but ya can leave" atsumu said and sakusa smirked which made atsumu roll his eyes "nevermind leave"

"i'm kidding, besides you already said i can stay" sakusa said as he sat down beside atsumu.

"why can't i stay ?" kuroo asked and kenma scoffed "because you're a petty bitch that's why" kenma said and kuroo rolled his eyes

"i won't 'bully' you" kuroo said and kenma sighed in annoyance "fine but sit away from me" kenma said and kuroo nodded.

"so atsu.. friends ?" sakusa asked and atsumu put on a thinking expression "like i said before beg for it" atsumu said and sakusa rolled his eyes

"you're annoying" sakusa said and atsumu laughed "yet yer the one who wanted to sit here, so if i'm annoying, leave, no one is stopping ya" atsumu said and sakusa brought his knees to his chest

"i'm sensitive you know" sakusa said and atsumu rolled his eyes "so am i, but i don't show it" atsumu said as he continued eating

"how can you get school food, that's so gross" sakusa said "and yer sitting on grass, which im sure people seat there before" sakusa eyes widened and sat up immediately "stupid" atsumu mumbled under his breath

"can i sit on your lap instead" sakusa asked and atsumu almost choked on his food

"no yer a germ" atsumu said mimicking sakusa "i'm not a germ. you're a germ" sakusa said

"oh i'm a germ ? guess ya cant sit on me" atsumu said and kenma bursted out laughing

"not funny" sakusa said as he sat back down beside atsumu.

"how come you forgave sakusa instead of me" kuroo asked and kenma froze

"first of all, i didn't forgive him because he hasn't even apologized, second of all he didn't bully me as much as you. and you got physically, sakusa never did. third of all, because atsumu and him share a weird connection and i respect it and fourth of all because he seems better than you and you haven't even tried to apologize so shut up" kenma said

"yuh bestfriend get in to it" atsumu said and kenma smacked the back of his head

"you think me and atsu have a connection ? see atsu it's meant to be, you just don't see it" "i didn't hear that, all i heard was kenma going off on rooster over there and the fact ya didn't apologize" atsumu said looking into sakusas black eyes.

"erm.. kenma, i'm sorry, and i mean it. like i told atsumu i would rather go straight home and clean then bully you but this one always insisted it" sakusa said and kenma nodded and smiled

"i forgive you" kenma said "i'm sorry" kuroo said and kenma laughed "yeah no. work for my forgiveness, you're not gonna get easily forgiven"

kuroo rolled his eyes "tch as if i want your forgiveness, i'm leaving" kuroo said as he stood up and left angrily.

"stupid bastard" kenma said "i really am sorry though" sakusa said as he stood up "but i should check on kuroo. bye atsu" sakusa said waving goodbye at them.

"so you and sakusa ?" kenma asked "no" was all atsumu responded with.

y'all i stubbed my toe 🥲

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