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"sakusa ?" kenmas mom said "... y-yes" sakusa said nervously

"so you're one of the guys who bullied my son ?" kenmas mom said about to knock sakusa out

"w-well kind of ? i-i didn't want to but i just wanted kuroo to like me s-so i did it to get his attention. b-but i swear i didn't want to do it.. i would r-rather clean. b-but i know what i did was w-wrong. so i made sure to tell kuroo to stop." sakusa said while being a stuttering mess.

kenmas mom squinted her eyes and looked at atsumu "is he lying ?" kenmas mom asked

before atsumu could answer, kenma left his room with a blanket over him.

"he's telling the truth mom. i forgive sakusa. he even punched kuroo" kenma said

"hm fine, but do anything bad and i'll make you clean this house for a week" kenmas mom said and sakusa nodded "y-yes ma'am"

kenmas mom went downstairs and sakusa sighed in relief "i thought she was gonna murder me"

"she probably would've" kenma said before he went back inside his room leaving sakusa scared.

"don't be scared, come in my room" atsumu said as he opened his door and sakusa stepped inside.

they both sat down on atsumus bed, atsumu took out the fatty tuna and started eating it while sakusa just looked around his room

"hey where's your brother ?" sakusa asked "oh he's in suna's house, they've been hanging out non stop. i think they're together but osamu just isnt ready to tell us" atsumu said as he continued eating and sakusa nodded.

sakusa rested his head on atsumus lap and atsumu continued eating.

once atsumu finished he moved sakusas head and threw out the trash in his trash bin, and went back on his bed and leaned against the headboard and motioned sakusa to cuddle with him

atsumu then grabbed the remote, and started running his hands through sakusas hair and turned the tv on.

"... hey atsu" sakusa said softly, atsumu let out a 'hm' in response.

".. you don't have to say yes or anything but, would you like to be my boyfriend ?" sakusa asked.

atsumu stayed silent for what felt like a minute "before i answer. remember when we first met, and ya grabbed my shirt. and i said 'ya wanna kiss me" atsumu said and sakusa buried his face into atsumus neck and nodded.

"i bet ya actually wanted to kiss me" atsumu said and sakusa looked at atsumus face "maybe i did." sakusa said and atsumu blushed

"hm i'll be yer boyfriend, but yer gonna have to buy me a lot of fatty tuna and attention" atsumu said "i think i can do that" sakusa said as he cupped atsumus cheek and went ontop of him

"can i kiss you ?" sakusa asked and atsumu thought for a second "yes ya can" atsumu said, and with that sakusa took off his mask and leaned in and pressed their lips together.

it was a soft and short kiss but they wouldn't have it any other way. once sakusa pulled away he smiled

"i don't understand why ya didn't take away yer mask as soon as ya came in" atsumu said and sakusa chuckled

"because you're still a germ" sakusa said as he laid i between of atsumus legs, and his head on atsumus chest.

"yer germ" atsumu said as he kissed sakusas head "... yeah my beautiful germ"

"OMI DONT SAY THINGS LIKE THAT.. i get shy" atsumu said as he blushed and sakusa chuckled and gave a peck on atsumus lips

"you're cute" atsumu slapped the back of sakuas head "ouch, why did you do that" sakusa said as he rubbed his head

"because yer making me flustered" atsumu said as he pouted, sakusa cupped atsumus cheek

"well you're adorable when you're flustered" sakusa said and atsumu face turned dark red and looked away.

"c-continue looking at the t-tv" atsumu said and sakusa chuckled and got off of atsumu and laid down beside him and started watching the tv.

oh to be atsumu 😔✊🏼

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