Chapter Fifteen: Yes Men

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Genevieve sighed, bored. It had been nearly two weeks since she'd woken up, since she'd received the miracle drug that had saved her, and while, yes, she knew it was best for her recovery, she hated bed rest.

It wasn't just that she liked the hands-on aspect of her job, liked getting into the thick of things and making a difference. After being shot twice in the stomach, she was perfectly fine with taking a little time off from the physical side of things, no problem. But it was the boredom. Her body was still relatively weak, but her mind was alive and well, racing itself into the ground. She needed something to do. She hadn't even been allowed to listen into any ops on comms, on the grounds that Coulson had decided she would be incapable of not trying to help if anything went wrong. Sure, he was right, but that didn't make it any less annoying. She'd barely even been allowed to leave her bed.

Still... there was nobody around...

She pushed her blanket down the bed, shifting over to put her feet on the ground. She stretched, groaning.

"No!" Simmons exclaimed, tapping on the glass of the pod. "What did I say?"

Genevieve rolled her eyes, sighing. "Every damn time. It's like you have a sensor for whenever my butt lifts off the bed."

"Back in it," Simmons ordered sternly.

"I just wanna stretch my legs," Genevieve begged, giving her a pleading expression.

"Now." Simmons started to push her gently back into a lying position.

"Look, I have colour in my cheeks," Genevieve tried. "I can breathe without—" She broke off, giving a strained little gasp as she lay back. "—feeling like my whole body's on fire. I'm good."

Simmons scoffed lightly, pulling the blanket back over her. "Good is not the appropriate word to describe your state. You've been shot twice, had your stomach perforated, and a breathing tube shoved down your throat. Better is a more accurate word."

Genevieve's lips twitched. "Surely if I'm well enough to sit and do nothing here, I can at least sit and do nothing in a different location, right? Please, Simmons, I'm losing my mind in here." Simmons gave her a look, drawing blood with a needle. "Again with the blood drive? I'm starting to think you're secretly a vamp. Dr Simmons the vampire, strict and—ow, pokey."

"Well, patient Gen is unruly and stubborn," Simmons said pointedly.

"And grateful," Genevieve added, giving her a smile. "Really. The grateful-est person in the world. I hope you know that."

Simmons shrugged it off. "I didn't do it alone."

"But it couldn't have been done without you," Genevieve countered, putting her hand over Simmons'. "Take the damn compliment, Jemma."

"Hey." They both looked round to see Ward in the doorway, knocking on the glass. "This a bad time?"

"If you're here to bust me out, yes," Genevieve joked. She put on a British accent. "The warden has extended house arrest."

"Ugh, I do not sound like that," Simmons scoffed, rolling her eyes. She picked up the vials of blood and headed for the lab, leaving them to it.

Genevieve sighed, running her hands through her hair. "God, I must look awful. Simmons won't even bring me a mirror."

"I've seen worse," Ward assured her, smiling.

"Wow," she said flatly. "Says the specialist."

"No, I mean, you look better than when you were dying," he tried, wincing.

Blood of the Covenant |1| The Dark Waters Series (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)Where stories live. Discover now