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As usual, I would like to thank everyone who have read the story and enjoyed it. It may or may not be your first time reading any of my works, but a heartfelt Thank You is being sent to you. Thank you so much for being with me and my stories. 💝

What I enjoyed about writing this book (or just writing in general) is that I got to explore a new type of writing, where I used present tenses instead of the usual past tenses. And comparing it to my old works, I saw the difference between them.

There's something about using present tenses in story-telling, about how you're "in the moment." Unlike when using past tenses, you know it happened already while the other one is happening now.

Through this work, I was able to differentiate between the two, and there really are fascinating changes in the way you see them as a reader.

Anyway, it's also quite similar to my second book Memories where it's in the third-person POV, but the difference is that this one has two main protagonists. And I really love that I got to show each of their POVs equally but in a mesh and not in completely seperate perspectives.

Although it started in Saemi's perspective, and how she hates the fact that she's about to get married to Haechan, I truly enjoyed writing the ending in Haechan's perspective wherein he doesn't regret getting married to Saemi.

Of course, like all my other works, this one has its own roots and this page is what it's all about: inspirations.

Trivia: This is supposed to be a short story, a novella at the least, considering I tried my best to keep the word count for each chapter up to a maximum of 2k, but I honestly don't know what happened and why it ended up having 30 chapters overall (it was supposed to be 25 only).

Anyway, this list will be short because these are only the most notable inspirations for the entire story.

Anyway, this list will be short because these are only the most notable inspirations for the entire story

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8. The Part-of-the-Plot Summary

Starting with this one, the story's plot summary originated in 2018, when I was still in college. Is it weird that I still remember how it all started? Because I do, and it went like this:

It was dismissal and my classmate and I were walking towards the commuting station. We were discussing about the stories we wanted to write and as we pitched in our different ideas, the idea of an amnesia story popped into my mind. It was such an intriguing plot for me, having a character who lost their memories.

During that time, I was in the middle of simultaneously writing my first and second works, At the End of Summer and Memories. And there I was, planning another story to write. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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