Chapter 2

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Ivy's point of view

My alarm went buzzing. I checked the clock and yep... it was 1:30 in the morning.

Get used to waking up ughh this sucks.

I never was a morning person but I had to wake up early today and take care of the forest Mafia Leader. I slowly got out of bed and walked towards my closet. I looked around. My clothes were all pretty dark and some green so it would be easier to blend in with the forest.

Finally I put on dark green and black camo cargo pants, my combat boots, a long sleeved black shirt and a bulletproof vest over that. We were going up against one of the top Mafias and i couldn't risk very much.

I went down to the weapons room and got a pistol, shotgun and a sniper. Some knives, I got some grenades also because it never hurt to have extra. Also I slipped a walkie talkie in my pocket.

Once I was done in the weapon room, I walked down to the kitchen where most of the time the cooks are but it was deserted because it was like 2 in the morning. I sighed and started making myself chocolate milk, rubbing my eyes with my knuckles.

I hated coffee but Cole and Griffin liked it somehow.

Just then Griffin walked in looking very awake. "Oh, no coffee?" He asked

"Nope." I replied groggily

Cole walked in looking a little less awake than Griffin but they were both morning people.

"Morning" he mumbled

"Hi!" I think Griffin has like an infinite amount of energy especially in the morning.

"Are the rest of the boys ready?" I asked

"Yup 30 with us and 14 staying back here" Cole always made sure that the house and we were secure.

"Ok let's go." We had to do this early because they wouldn't be expecting an attack this early and it was about 4 hours away so it would be a long drive where I could sleep.

. . .

It was about 3 hours and 45 minutes later we pulled up, not too close but about a mile away I guess.

I couldn't seen anything because it was still pitch black and then sun hadn't risen.

We all got out of the cars, the snipers went to a nearby hill where they had a vantage point. The rest of us now about 28 snuck down to the base. It seemed clear but I knew there would be guards.

I stopped. The group stopped. I listened and heard a tiny snap of a twig. I looked in the direction and saw a faint silhouette of a man about 3 feet away from me. Before he could come any closer or step away I jumped on him. Pulled my knife out of my pocket and slit his throat.

He started to yell but he couldn't make any noise now that he was dead. Hopefully no one heard but it was always suspect someone did so that you aren't surprised.

I counted to a minute in my head and when no one came we kept heading forward.

After about 15 minutes we had taken out all of the guards on the ground with as little noise as possible.

Cole and Griffin huddled around  me waiting for a plan.

"Alright Cole you go with 10 men to the left, Griffin to the right with 10 and ill take the 8 forward. Our main goal is to get the money and get the hell outta there with as little noise as possible. After the money has been taken out we blow the place up you hear me?" I looked at both of them and they nodded in agreement.

"We're totally outnumbered in this situation ok and we can't have very many casualties, the only thing that's on our side is surprise, so expect the worst at all times." I had to let them know that the odds aren't good but we're good fighters.

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