chapter 24

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Ivy POV.

I woke up that morning still hearing the beautiful piano music in my head.

When I was younger I used to hate classical music, but I've grown to love it over the years. I could listen to it for hours on end, but I really enjoyed listening to it while it was raining. Those were probably two of my favorite things, rain and classical music. Along with reading, I loved it when it rained because I could put on classical and read almost the whole day.

But today I mostly just wanted to lay in bed. Surprisingly I woke up pretty early, around 7 I suppose. Eventually, I stopped procrastinating getting out of bed and actually got ready for the day and went to get breakfast. I was really hoping to avoid anyone that wasn't Alessia considering I was not, and I mean not a morning person.

My voice always sounded deep and scratchy and I just couldn't function in the mornings. Not to mention I always have terrible morning breath and I look like I got in a fight with 10 raccoons while I was drunk. And no, that has never happened before.

I actually really liked raccoons, along with foxes. I always figured that if I ever got either one of them I would name it nick, like the fox from Zootopia, but now since I have a snake named Nikki- thinking of, i'll have to ask Lev where he is, I guess I would either not be able to get one of those or just think of a different name. But like don't get me wrong, Nick is hot as fuck and I would let him rail me.

I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts as I made myself some chocolate milk in the kitchen. Have I mentioned yet that I hate coffee? Well now you know. Anyways, I hadn't run into anyone on the way down the stairs- thankfully, so I decided to explore some more because last night it was cut a bit short after, well yunno.

"I fucking hate mornings." I mumbled to myself as I trudged through the hallways.

I never got to explore the first floor on the west wing so here I am, exploring the first floor... on the west wing.

Honestly, I was getting pretty bored but I wasn't going to stop exploring until I had finished looking at the whole house. You never know what you might find and finding something out about Alexi Stas would be great.

My feet were beginning to hurt as I neared the end of the hall which had a door at the end. Half of me wanted to just go back because we had seen the whole thing, but the other half wanted to go look behind the door. And that's exactly what I did.

I continued walking but quieter this time because, if Alexi was behind that door he would probably kill me on the spot. Honestly, don't blame him, I would kill someone too if they were snooping around my house.

The eagerness to open the door overtook me and I- let me add not so carefully yanked open the door making the loudest creak I have ever heard. Immediately I stopped In my tracks and whipped around to see if anyone heard or saw that. Shit please let everyone in this house be deaf please I don't wanna be skinned alive today. I wished to myself, dying was definitely not on the agenda today.

Before anyone could walk by and ask what the noise was I slipped into the room and closed the door behind me. This was the first time I actually got to look at my surroundings, and the first thing I saw was a stone staircase down to a very very dimly lit room.

The second thing I noticed was the smell. It smelled very metallic, if that's even a smell, or in other words blood. It also smelled like rat shit and that was undoubtedly because there was little creatures like that running around here including bugs. And if you know me, which you don't, I absolutely hate bugs. But that's besides the point.

I ventured further into the giant basement and found multiple sets of chains on a wall, and on the wall was lots and lots of blood. "Oh wow Alexi's very own torture station" I sarcastically grumbled to myself. If there was one place in the house I didn't want to be would be in those chains. I don't think anyone would.

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