chapter 17

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Lev's POV

She eventually fell asleep, slouched against the seat. I had to buckle her in so that she didn't fall out of the fucking Jeep, I also gave her my coat. The stupid girls dress was made out of lace and wouldn't keep her warm at all, so I being the kind man that I am- note the sarcasm, gave it to her so she wouldn't be cold.

We had been in the car for about 30 minutes before we pulled up. Obviously we could of gone to the hospital, but I'd rather this not be in the government's records, plus hospital bills can be a bitch sometimes. Instead I went to an old acquaintances house.

Of course when we got there Ivory was still sleeping. Rolling my eyes, I step out of the car and walk to the other side. I was met with her face, her eyes were peacefully closed but her eyebrows were scrunched together. A bit of drool was coming out of her mouth and I laughed quietly at the sight of it.

I unbuckle her and stay to shake her awake, either she was a really deep sleeper or a really good actor. I huff and pick her up bridal style, taking her up to the little house.

"God, what am I going to do with you, Blake?" I say out loud, knowing that she wouldn't be able to hear me if she was really sleeping.

When I had found out about her small little gang I sent some people to get information on them for me. I hadn't known she was a girl, but I learned her name was Ivory Blake. I also later learned that she had killed my brother, obviously at the time she didn't know he was my brother or she did and just hadn't said anything yet, nor that I was a leader of a gang also. Igor could of protected himself, telling her that he was the leader, but no he handed the gang off to me so that he could live a rich unbothered life in mother Russia.

I didn't even knock on the door to have it swing open, I was greeted by the all to familiar brown eyes and blonde hair.

"Hey Damian, I have a new project for you." I glanced down at Ivory and then around to make sure no one followed us. Damian says nothing just takes a step back and I walk inside. To the right was the living room, so I walk in but don't put her down.

"If the wounds on her back then where do you want her?" I glance over at Damian who already had all of his stuff by his side.

"Floors just fine." I nod and set her ass on the floor. The difficult part was getting her onto her stomach without waking her up.

After a bit I finally got her onto her stomach and stood back up. Damian stood over her, examining the cuts before he reached over for some fancy product that I had no idea what did. He sprayed what I guessed was some type of rubbing alcohol on her back and she flinched in her sleep. 

After the cuts had been cleaned he reached for a needle and some fancy medical stuff. He set it beside him and began searching through his bag for something else but he didn't seem to find it.

"Is she a deep sleeper?" he asked out of nowhere. I glanced down at Blake passed out asleep on the floor before I looked back at Damian.

"It appears so."

"Lets hope so" he says, creasing his eyebrows together so that he could get the thread through the needle. "Because I don't have any numbing shots left and this is gonna hurt like a bitch."

He eventually got the thread through and was tying a knot on the end before I stood up and walked into the kitchen looking for a towel. Once I had looked through almost all of the drawers I found what I needed and walked back out.

There sitting on the floor was Damian leaning over Ivory, starting to stitch her together. I went and sat down on the couch watching the whole process. He would get a couple stitches in and Ivory would whimper or move a bit, but not wake up- yet.

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