chapter 13

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Ivy's POV

I couldn't help but slip out the stupid question. I'd never even seen the movie before, and I didn't have to of seen it to know that line. 

After the question slipped out I knew I had to keep a straight face. I could laugh if I wanted to, but keeping a straight face would be funnier. He just looked at me, rolling his eyes, running his tongue across the tips of his pearly whites. 

"So... about the clothes." I start, wanting him to fill me in on what I had to be wearing.

"They're on their way." he replied.

I nod almost to confirm to myself that I wouldn't have to be wearing any guy clothes.

Don't get me wrong, they were very comfortable and all, but having to walk around without a bra gets a little uncomfortable when you're wearing a baggy tee shirt. Even though Lev made me feel safe sometimes, I couldn't completely trust him especially when it comes down to my tiddies. Most men are perverted, I had to be careful not to do anything that might give him a sneak peak at my body.

"Well then, what's for breakfast?" I ask "Something that's not... cocaine."

I added the last part to mess with him a little bit, but in all honesty it was both of our faults for eating that much cocaine on accident.

He just shrugs, looking back at his phone.

I roll my eyes and walk towards the fridge and pantry. My eyes searched every shelf in the pantry and when I couldn't find anything I went to the fridge. Sitting there was a carton of milk, orange juice, eggs and a whole bunch of other stuff. 

The eggs were by far the easiest thing that I could make to I took them out of the fridge and set them on the counter. My next mission was to find a pan to cook them. 

I opened each cubbard searching each shelf inside for just a single pan, until I finally found one in the last cubbard.

Once the pan was finally set on the stove, and greased lightly, I turned on the gas to make it hot. 

Eggs were so easy to make. I used to have them all the time, but now I guess I never really got around to making them. 

The pan was hot now, so I cracked four eggs, separating them each to one corner of the pan. They sizzled when they touched it. I added salt and pepper on top for flavoring, then flipped them. 

I left the stove to go find plates, and thankfully they were way easier to find than the pan. Setting each of them out, I put two eggs on one and two on the other. I figured Lev might be really hungry so I decided to make him another. 

When the last egg was cooking, I looked around and found bread and a toaster. I popped the bread into the toaster, and then I flipped the last egg. 

Finally the toast and eggs were ready to eat. I set the plates down on the island bar, grabbing two forks and knives. I raided the fridge again to try and find the best juice on the planet, but I only found orange juice. 

Sighing I poured two glasses, and set them down next to the plates.

"Get your ass up, breakfast is ready." I called over to Lev, who was still on his phone.

He looked over at me with a blank stare before he finally decided to get up. 

I could hear his footsteps coming towards me as I was eating. 

"What is this?" His Russian accent really peaked through with his sentence.

"Uhh, cowboy eggs." I state, slightly feeling embarrassed for the name that the eggs were given.

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