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~Emma's POV~
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off at 8:15. I hit the snooze button and laid back down. 'Why had I even set an alarm?' It was my day off after all. I laid there until I remembered what day it was. I didn't set the alarm. David and Mary Margaret must have.

I got out of bed and walked down the stairs into the kitchen where Mary Margaret stood holding Neal. "You didn't have to wake me up so early, you know," I said to her. She turned around to look at me. "Today is special. David and I wanted to make it as special as possible." "So you decided to wake me up early?" I said sarcastically. "We have a big day planned. Cheer up! It's your birthday!" She said enthusiastically. I shook my head at her optimism.

The front door opened and David walked in. "All of my paperwork is taken care of. There will be no interruptions during your special day." David said to me. "You guys didn't have to go to so much trouble." "Yes we did! Emma, you deserve the best birthday that we can give. You've saved Storybrooke how many times now?" Mary Margaret said. I shrugged and looked down at the ground. I wasn't used to so much attention. I didn't really like it that much. "Everyone is coming to have dinner with us later tonight. And this morning it's just going to be you, Snow, and I. Henry wanted to have lunch with you. The rest of the day is all up to you." David said happily.

'They did go through a lot of trouble,' I thought to myself. "Ok, fine. Just let me get ready before we leave." I said to them. They both nodded. "Of course. Take as much time as you need," Mary Margaret said as she rocked Neal in her arms. I smiled and walked back up the stairs and into my room. I got ready at my normal pace and finally came downstairs.

I grabbed my red leather jacket and we we were off.
We went to Granny's to eat breakfast. Mary Margaret brought Neal so that Red could watch him. Granny came over and wished me a happy birthday. I smiled in thanks. Again, I don't like too much attention.

I had gotten my usual. Hot chocolate with cinnamon and pancakes. It was kind of nice to be alone with my parents and it sure was nice have a peaceful day. With everything that had been going on since the first curse broke, I hadn't had any time to relax.

Once we finished eating I decided to just walk along the beach for awhile. We drove there in David's truck and I immediately smelled the salty sea air. That's when I thought about something. Killian. I rolled my eyes to myself. 'It was kind of hard NOT to think about him when you're right next to the ocean,' I thought. I just thought about how his eyes were the same blue and he smelled of the sea. I wondered where he was.

We walked for awhile. Not talking too much. We finally decided to leave. It was already almost 11:00. We headed back to the truck and drove into town.

It was around lunchtime when I got a call from Killian. My parents and I were just walking aimlessly along the streets when I answered it. "Hello?" "Swan, there's something strange out in the woods. I'm not sure what it is, but there were tracks and I followed them. You should come look for yourself." I should've known that he wouldn't just call to say "hello" or "happy birthday, Emma!" "Alright. We'll be right there." I had been taking David along with me to investigate strange things since the Snow Queen had been gone. It was better to have a partner. "Actually Swan, I think it'd be best if you came alone." I looked over at David who was talking to Mary Margaret. "Why?" I asked, obviously confused. "Please just hurry!" Then he hung up. Worry had been in his last few words. 'What the hell was going on?!' I thought. I just knew that I couldn't have one normal day. Not even on my birthday.

I'm reading this and cringing. I only wrote six hundred something words, so this should be easy to edit. I hope this story isn't as bad as I think it is because I think it's not very good compared to my other stories. It was my first fanfiction, so I'll cut myself some slack. Anyways, this chapter has now been edited! Yay!

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