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~Emma's POV~
David and I were just driving along in my Bug when we both heard a scream. We drove into town and heard another. This one came from the library. I stopped the car and David and I got out. "What the hell was that?!" I asked. David pointed to the clock tower. "It came from there." I pulled out my gun and we ran over to the doors. David looked at me, waiting for my command to go inside. I nodded and he pulled open the door.

Books were strewn about everywhere and many of the bookshelves were knocked over. In the middle of it all was Belle. She stood there with her hand over her mouth. She was looking at something. A figure. The figure moved from the shadows. "Son of a bitch." I whispered.

It was Silvia.

She looked...different. She had on a black dress that dragged behind her as she walked. She had black gloves on as well. Her face was one of pure anger. And evil. She looked at Belle. "What a tragedy that the bookworm must die. You were a very smart girl." She opened her hand and a ball of fire appeared. She shot it right at Belle. I lunged out and pushed Belle to the ground. David raised his gun up and pointed it at Silvia.

"Hey!" He yelled as Silvia disappeared in a cloud of...black smoke? Wasn't it pink before? I helped Belle up and I looked around. "What happened here?" I asked her. Her voice shook as she answered. "I-I don't know. I just came to open up for the day and she was just...here." I put my gun away and looked at David. "Stay with Belle and make sure that Silvia doesn't come back." He nodded. "What about you?" I started to walk towards the door. "I'm going to go look for a little girl." I started to walk towards my Bug when a swarm of people surrounded me. I saw the dwarves, Granny and Ruby, and tons of other townspeople in the crowd.

"She ruined the diner!"

"She is threatening to kill my child!"

"I found her in the mines this morning!"

People started to yell things out when there was a puff of purple smoke and Regina appeared. "What the hell is going on?" She asked. The crowd all yelled out at once. I quieted them down. I looked over to Regina. "Silvia got out of the vault." Regina's eyes widened. "How?!" I shook my head. "I don't know. But we need to find her before she hurts anyone." She nodded and we started to walk towards my car. "Where shall we look, Sheriff?" Regina asked me. I opened the car door. "That's the problem. I have no idea."
We had searched everywhere for Silvia. We had asked everyone if they had seen her. The answer was always the same. Everyone has seen her. No one knew her exact location. Soon it was past noon. Nobody had said anything about a vicious murder yet, which was the best thing about my day. Maybe nobody would get hurt today after all. Regina looked over at me for what seemed like the millionth time that day. "This is useless. We should split up and look for her. I'll check the forest. You stay in town." Before I could reply, Regina disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke. Just great. I decided to head back to my parents' place. I just wanted to make sure that Henry was still doing ok. I drove there and opened the door. Mary Margaret held Neal in her arms. Henry sat at the counter drinking hot chocolate with cinnamon. "Emma! We heard about what has been happening. Is everyone alright?" My mother said, jumping up from her chair. I nodded. "Yeah. Everyone is fine. I just can't find her!" I said with anger. "Just calm down. You'll find and stop her. You always do." Mary Margaret said in her usual positive tone. Henry had gotten up from the counter and walked over to us. "You ok, kid?" I asked. He nodded. "I've been thinking."

"About what?"

"About Silvia."

I looked at him questionably. "Is she in your book?" He picked up his book from the counter. "Actually, no. There's not one mention of her name at all in the whole book." I sighed. "I should probably go. I need to find her before she does anything bad." They both nodded and Mary Margaret walked me to the door.

"Is David ok?" She asked. I smiled. "Yeah, he's fine. He's at the mines with the dwarves the last time he called me." Mary Margaret nodded. "And is Hook ok, too?" I started to nod, but then I stopped. My smile vanished. "Emma? What's wrong?" My mom asked me. I didn't answer. I ran out of the apartment and down the stairs. I jumped into my Bug and called Killian. No one answered. "Son of a bitch!" I yelled to myself as I drove. I couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed. I hadn't heard at all from Killian that day. Not since we spoke in the parking lot.

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