The Morning After

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Emma's POV
I woke up later that morning. Killian's arms were wrapped around me and I didn't want to wake him. I slowly wiggled out of his grasp and got up off of the couch. Nobody had woken up yet. Good. The last thing I need is my dad yelling at Killian for sleeping on the couch with me.

What a family I have.

I walked into the kitchen and started to make myself some hot cocoa with cinnamon. I poured it into a mug and sprinkled the cinnamon on  top when I heard a squeak in the floor behind me. I turned around quickly and saw that it was just my mom. "Calm down, Emma. It's just me," She said as she held up her hands in defense. I sighed in relief. "Sorry. I'm just a little jumpy." She laughed. "A little?" I smiled. She came over and sat down at the counter. " was sleeping on the couch?" Oh God. "What do you mean? I slept and that's all," I said trying avoid this conversation. "Okay. Whatever you say." I rolled my eyes. Neal started to wake up in the other room and my mom went and picked him up from his crib. She rocked him back and forth. "So, do you feel...different?" She asked. I knew that she was talking about my heart. I shook my head. "No. I just feel kind of empty inside. Like I can still feel, just not all the way." She nodded. "Silvia is a threat to us now. She's dangerous." Mary Margaret said. I shook my head. "It wasn't her that was doing it. It was something else." I gave her a 'look.' "Aren't you all about giving people a second chance?" I said.

She looked up from Neal and had a worried look. "Not when she almost killed you. And Hook. And David. And Henry..." Her voice trailed off. I didn't know what to say. She was definitely dangerous, but not today. She would give my heart back and everything would be fine, right? I heard stirring from the couch. Killian sat up and walked into the kitchen. "Morning, love." He said to me. I smiled at him. "Morning." My mom nodded at him. Awkward silence filled the room. I finally spoke up. "After everyone is up and ready, I'm thinking that we go and find Silvia. If she was telling the truth, then she should be in her 'lovey dovey' mood. Sound good?" I looked from Killian to Mary Margaret. They both nodded.

David walked out of the bedroom. He was already dressed and ready to go. "I heard the plan. We should get on it right away." I drank the rest of my cocoa and set the mug in the sink. "Alright. Let's go." David told Mary Margaret to watch Henry and Neal and to not leave the house. Killian, David, and I walked out of the loft and out into the parking lot. We all got into David's truck. Killian sat quietly in the back and didn't say anything about last night. Good.

"Let's go to Regina's house first and see if she'll help us." I said. David nodded and began to drive there.

Once we got there, we all immediately got out of the truck and walked over to the front door. David rang the doorbell. Nobody answered. "Call her. Something isn't right." I took out my phone and called her. One ring...two rings...three rings... Her voicemail went off. David tried to open the door, but it was locked. I grabbed two bobby pins out of my pocket and bent down. I picked the lock easily and we ran inside. Regina's stuff was strewn everywhere. There were books, decorations, glass, and so many other things all thrown about. "I'll check upstairs for Regina. You two check down here," David told us. He ran up the stairs. Killian searched in the living room while I checked the kitchen. Nothing. I went into the dining room and froze.

Lying on the ground, was Regina.

She wasn't moving at all. I bent down a and checked her pulse. She was still breathing, thank God. "KILLIAN!" I yelled. He came running in. "Did you find her?" He said. He walked to where I was and saw for himself. "She's still alive, but from the looks of it she needs to get to the hospital." He bent over and picked her up. We went to the front door and David came down the steps. "I'll take her to the hospital and get Mary Margaret, Neal, and Henry. You two keep looking for Silvia." He took her from Killian and we went outside. David put her in the truck and took off for the hospital, leaving Killian and I alone.

"Where do you think Silvia would be?" I asked him. He shrugged. "I don't have any bloody idea." Great. "We could check the woods first," I suggested. "Alright," He responded. We began to walk to the woods when I heard a voice from behind us. "You don't need to look for me. I'm right here." I turned around and aimed my gun at her. Silvia held up her hands in surrender. "It's me. Not the monster. Me." I didn't know if this was a trick or not. "Prove it." Killian said. He must've read my thoughts. He had pulled out his gun. Wait...where the hell did he get a gun?! "I don't know how to prove it. I honestly am telling the truth. Handcuff me if you want." She held out her arms. I could try to make handcuffs like the ones she put on Regina yesterday. I put my gun away and held out my hands. I closed my eyes and imagined her being powerless. No way to hurt my family. I opened my eyes and the same cuffs appeared on her wrists. "Bravo. Good job," She mumbled. She wore different clothing than yesterday. Now she looks normal. Blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and some tennis shoes. She no longer had that crazy look in her eyes and she looked sad and broken. I walked up to her and Killian kept his gun aimed. "How badly do you want to murder me right now?" I asked her. I looked into her eyes and saw something that wasn't there before.


"I don't want to hurt anyone. I never did. It was that stupid freaking monster that hurt them. I just want it to go away," She said quietly. I believed her. There was no way that she was lying. "Okay." I said with a sigh. She didn't look away from me. I held up my hands and the cuffs disappeared. Killian looked over at me. I nodded and he dropped his gun. Silvia took a deep breath. "We have a lot of questions to ask you. A lot." I said. She shook her head. "That's a problem." I looked at her with a confused look. "Why?" I said with a demanding voice. She looked down at the ground. "I don't remember anything from yesterday. Except that I attacked Regina." My mouth dropped open. She didn't remember where she put my heart. My heart could be anywhere. And I knew for a fact that she wasn't lying.

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