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//Emma's POV//
I had apologized to Emma. Nothing I said to her was true. I hope that she knew that.

I love her. More than anything.

After we kissed, she told me that she would need my help in order to find Silvia. I gladly obliged.

We left her home and started to walk into town. I put my arm around her shoulder and held her close. We didn't speak for awhile.

That was until we saw her.

Silvia. She stood right in front of the clock tower. She looked even crazier and much more evil than she had before. She saw us and started to walk towards us. She smiled an evil smile.

"Well, well, well. I thought for sure that you two would break apart. It seems that I'll have to try harder than that." Suddenly Charming, Snow, Regina, and Henry appeared in a cloud of purple smoke. Charming held his sword. Snow had her bow and arrows. Regina opened her fist and a ball of fire appeared. Henry stood behind her and looked at Silvia with wide eyes.

"Well, I guess that the whole family had to show up." Silvia said, frowning slightly. She was outnumbered. We could beat her. Swan and I walked over to her family. She put her hands on Henry's shoulders. "Just leave. We don't have to hurt you if you cooperate." Swan said in a firm tone. Silvia walked towards us. Charming raised his sword up higher and pointed it at her. "Leave." He said. Silvia grinned.


She waved her hand and the sword flew up into the air pointed straight at Charming. It flew towards him. I ran straight at him and knocked him down onto the ground. The sword stopped and turned around. It flew towards Silvia and she held it in her hand. "The pirate had to be a good guy." She mumbled. I helped Charming up and Snow shot an arrow at Silvia. Silvia simply looked at the arrow as it stopped inches away from her face. Swan raised her gun. "Enough. Leave or I'll shoot." The arrow dropped and Silvia raised her hands up into the air. "You got me. I give up." She dropped the sword. Charming went and picked it up. He held it to her throat.

"Go." He said. Silvia smiled. "I lied. I don't give up so easily." She held up her hand and Charming flew backwards towards us. Regina threw a fireball at her, but it dissolved into thin air. "You just don't know when to give up, do you?" She sounded annoyed. "I'll make you give up." She held up her hand and clenched it. Henry gasped for air.

"LET HIM GO!" Swan yelled. "Drop your weapons and I'll let him go." Silvia said calmly. Swan was the first to yield. She dropped her gun as Snow put down her bow and arrows. Charming put his sword down and Regina held up her hands in defeat. Silvia waved her hand and chains appeared on her wrists. "They're just a precaution. They'll stop your magic from hurting me." Silvia explained.

Henry had stopped choking and Swan held him close. "Now give me what I want," Silvia said. Everyone looked confused. Until she spoke up again. "Give me Emma. Or I will kill all of you." She said it so calmly. It was sickening. Swan let go of Henry and looked around at everyone. "No. That's not going to happen." Snow immediately said. Charming nodded in agreement. Silvia laughed. "Maybe you didn't understand me when I said that I would murder everyone. Give. Me. Emma." She said this with more conviction. Charming and I stood next to Emma. "Not a chance. Take me instead." Charming said as he stepped forward. Snow and Emma looked at him. "No! David! You can't!" Snow ran to him. He put his hand on her cheek. "I'll be fine. Don't worry." Silvia laughed.

"I'm not taking you. I'm taking Emma or I'm going to start killing. And trust me, it won't be pretty," She said. Nobody said anything. Emma looked at me and sighed. "I'll come with you." Those were the last words I heard before she vanished in a cloud of black smoke.

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