Silvia's Tale

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/Killian's POV/
Swan and Silvia came out of the forest and towards the vehicle. "Is this the girl you were talking about? Killian, are you serious?! She's barely a teenager! I can't believe that I had to come and save you from her." Swan said angrily to me. I lowered my head in embarrassment. "To be fair Love, she has very powerful magic. Too powerful for someone at such a young age." I said. I looked up at Swan. She rolled her eyes. "We can talk about this later. Just get in the truck." She sounded pretty mad. Like the tiniest things could tick her off at the moment.

I opened the door and got into the truck. Swan got into the driver's seat and started the car. She looked out of my window at Silvia, who was just standing there.

"Are you coming or are you going to walk?" Swan asked her. Silvia raised her arms and in a cloud of pink smoke, she vanished. "Son of a-" Swan began. I raised an eyebrow. "What did I tell you?"

Swan shook her and began to drive back into town. "You couldn't handle a kid. A KID Killian!" Swan sighed. "I can't save you from every little thing, you know?" I looked out the window.

It was true. Captain Hook needed an awful lot of saving these days. First, it was Zelena with cursing my lips. Then, it was Rumplestilskin. Now, it was this. I always needed to be saved one way or another. Enough is enough.

"Not anymore. Don't worry Love, I can take care of myself from now on." I said. Emma looked over at me. "I hope so."
We drove silently the whole way into town. My thoughts kept racing through my head. 'How could Swan be so angry with me when she saw her magic? How could she get away from me so easily?' It didn't matter anymore. As soon as we drove onto the main road, I saw the lass. She just stood there doing nothing. Was she waiting for us?

Swan parked the truck and we got out of the car. We started to walk towards her as she smirked. "I told you that I was a good guy." Swan rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Just tell us your story and we can sort this little problem out." Silvia looked passed my shoulder. "You may want to talk to your parents first." I turned around and saw the Charmings and Henry walking towards us.

"Emma! We were worried sick! What took you so long?!" Snow said in a worried tone. David looked over at me with a glare, but it was too quick for anyone else to notice. "Quit worrying. I'm fine and I found who I was looking for." Swan gestured to Silvia. They looked past Swan and saw the little lass. "This is the person that was causing havoc on Hook?" David asked, obviously angry. "Yes. But don't let her fool you mate. She's got powerful magic." I said to him. He looked at me. "I don't think that your life is worth my daughter's, so just be quiet." Again he said it very quietly. I smirked. I should have known that Swan's father wouldn't accept me so easily.

"Can I just tell my story already? I'm running out of time." Silvia said with anxiety. We all turned to look at her. She had her arms crossed and had a stern expression on her face. Swan nodded. "Go ahead. Don't leave out a single detail." Silvia stepped up. "First off, my name is Silvia. But a lot of people back in the Enchanted Forest knew me better by a different name. Cupid." There was silence. "You're telling me that you're the little baby with the bow and arrow that goes around making people fall in love?" Swan asked. Silvia let out an impatient breath. "Do I look like a baby with a bow and arrow? No. I don't. I'm quite real the last time I checked." She took a deep breath. "Anyways, I do not have the power to make people fall in love. I can only let people see the best in each other. Other powers that I have are that I can see people's pasts, yet I can't see their futures. I can also read people's emotions towards other people. For example," Silvia turned to look at Henry. "You love Emma more than anything-well except Regina. She is the world to you and you look up to her. You also are so happy that you went and found her all those years ago. She changed your life for the better." Henry's mouth dropped open a little bit. " do you-" "I told you. I know every single one of you and your thoughts towards one another. Some are good, some are bad." Silvia glanced quickly at David. "Anyways, I have been following Emma since she was born. I have watched over her for years." Swan spoke up. "Then how come I've never seen you before?" Silvia clapped her hands together and started to walk around. "I can only be seen by people that I wish to be seen by. Anyways, I have played my cards pretty well in some of the relationships in this town. I have helped David and Snow, Rumplestilskin and Belle, and..." Silvia paused. "What? Who else?" Snow asked.

"Emma and Neil."

There was a sad silence that hung over the crowd. "I don't make them love each other, I just help hem see the best in others. I came here for two reasons." Silvia stopped speaking. "Go on," David urged. "The first is because I am in need of some help. I knew that Emma could help me. You see, I was born in the Enchanted Forest. I was born from a great prince and a powerful sorceress. They fell in love and I was born. Alas their love was not to be. The prince had a heart of gold, while the sorceress had a dark heart. Yet they still loved each other and had me. Once the King found out about them he split them apart. They never saw each other again. I was born and saw my mother for only a few seconds before she died. But that was plenty of time to see her past."

Silvia stopped and took a breath. "My heart is different than those of others. I would like to show you." She put her hand in front of her chest and yanked her heart out. She held it firmly, as if she were afraid that it would fly away. The odd part was the colors. "This half is bright and beautiful. The golden side. The middle is a mix of them both. The other half is the dark part. This is the darkest part of a heart that you will ever see. It is even worse than Regina's heart." We took the information in. She shoved her heart back into her chest and gasped for air. "The solution is simple, but I think that I should tell you first the other reason." she paused. "Out with it then," I said. She shuffled her feet nervously. "I came here to see my family." Swan moved towards her. "Whose your family?" Silvia looked at all of us.


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