Chapter 1

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For anyone who can't look up the cast, this is Crystal Reed and Dean Geyer ... Aka Kayla and Cameron. I just put the two main characters instead of all. Enjoy!



Having another pack here was going to be weird. Another pack here for two months. It wasn't just a little tiny alliance like we usually have, I'm talking about two months. For some reason, that scared me. Another pack we don't know really. There could be fights, pervs, and killers. I don't know about anyone else, but that doesn't sound like something I want on my agenda.

Something about rogues around our territory is why we needed them. I desperately wanted to tell my parents, please just suck your shit up and let's take them on our own, but they knew what they were doing. They chose to combine with them for two months because they were close to our territory and were having the same problems.

Hey, why not have a pack as strong as yours come and fight? They always tried to tell me, but I still had my concerns.

"Dad, are you sure about this? I mean this pack could be dangerous or not get along with ours." I said, hopeful he would listen.

My dad was the Alpha of our pack, The Goldenmoon Pack. Although he was the Alpha, he was still my dad and he loved when I helped him with pack work and problems like this, even though some things had to be kept to a limit, because I'm not Luna, of course.

"Baby girl, I already told you that having more people on our side is going to help us fight off the rogues without a problem. Plus, they might know more about the rogues and where they're camping." He said. "And," he continued, turning very serious, "if you do find your mate, I want you to tell me." I found it very odd that he randomly brought up me finding a mate.

You're supposed to find your mate when you're 16 or 17. I'm 19 and still haven't found him. There was a very good chance he could be in the pack that was coming. That's another reason I was scared. I never really wanted a mate. I'm good on my own. Mates are distractions from what you really need, which isn't them.

"But , if our pack and their pack don't get along well enough or they are indeed dangerous, they will be gone." He stated, throwing his arm around my shoulder, his voice loosening up. "Where's your mama?"

"Here I am baby." my mother said, running down the stairs, fixing her necklace.

"Deena, you know that the pack is going to be here soon so hurry up next time and get dressed so we can greet them properly." He laughed walking over to my mom and giving her a kiss. It got a little bit too heated for me and I had to say something.

"Jesus guys, get a room. I'll just greet them myself so you can handle your business." I put my hand on my stomach and hunched over, as if I were throwing up. They just laughed at my childish actions and pecked one more kiss.

I removed myself from that little about-to-start-getting-heated-again scene and jogged upstairs to my room. Even though I was a little bit disgusted at my parents romantic ways at the time, they were right, we should all greet them properly. As a family.

But I needed to shower, I didn't want them thinking I always smelled like garbage, since I just came back from a run. I quickly got undressed and warmed my water up. Once the temperature was right, I hopped in.

Somewhere during the time I was showering, I became lost in thought about what I would do if I found my mate. Would I like him? Would he be ugly? Would I accept him? Would I want to do dirty things with him?...

Without knowing that I was fully showered, my mom pounded on my bathroom door like a mad woman. "Kayla Marie Branson! Get your butt down here! They'll be here extremely soon and you need to be down here with us." She yelled.

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