Chapter 24

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Before I continue to this chapter, I want you all to understand that this chapter is going to be so crazy, some of you guys might pass out. Also, this chapter will have many different POV'S. Some will be short, some long, and some repeated. I WARNED YOU.



"Cameron, Melissa is here." Chris walked into my office.

It took three days for Melissa to get here, I had no clue why. That means, it's been a week and three days since I've seen Kayla. I missed her so much. I felt like my life was slowly dying without her. But right now, I was one step closer to getting her back. One big step closer.

"Bring her in." I said sternly. He nodded his head, and in a second Melissa walked in. I wanted to choke her to death right there, but I had to hold myself until I got Kayla.

"Hey, long time no see baby." She smiled and sat down across from me. I almost threw up, because I was not her baby. I wasn't even her friend.

"So, where was this vacation to?" I asked her.

"Oh... you know... Florida." she stumbled on what to say. I acted like I didn't notice so she wouldn't make any sudden movements or mind link anyone.

"Did you go with anyone?" I asked.

"No just myself." She said quickly.

"Why would you want to vacation when you knew your Luna was missing?" I asked, making her nervous.

"Um... I d-didn't know she w-was." she stuttered. I looked down at her throat and she took a big gulp.

"Yes you did you lying bitch." I yelled. She jumped a little and tried to keep her cool. "You know, someone from our pack masked her scent. And masked Cole's scent. Do you know someone named Cole?" I continued.

"N-n-no." she said, standing up a little bit.

I couldn't take it anymore. I ran over to her and had my hand around her throat. So much for easing my way into it.


"Never." She wheezed between gasps and I tightened my grip around her throat.

Suddenly, her face went blank and I knew she was mind linking someone. Cole. I was about to end her life, so she couldn't get help, when Chris charged in the room.

"Cameron! There are rogues starting to surround the territory, the guards saw them. We need to act quick! It's Cole!" He rushed out.

I released my grip on Melissa's neck and she collapsed to the floor, wheezing and coughing. I charged out of my office and mind linked my entire pack and informed them quickly. The same going for Alpha Trent. I ran outside and immediately, my pack started running outside, and minutes later, the Goldenmoon Pack appeared. Bree, Carter, Chris, and Michael (reminder// his third in command) were at my side, along with Kayla's parents. I looked over at Bree and she nodded, ready for revenge.

I gave them a quick informational speech about what was about to happen and to prepare themselves for a fight. Almost immediately after the speech, I started to see rogues coming in from the woods. Hundreds of them...


Cole's POV

I was so worried from the minute Melissa left. I told her to mind link me when she got there. It took her three days to get there and finally mind link me. I don't know what took her so long, because we were just a few miles away from Cameron's territory. Probably nervousness.

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