Chapter 8

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I couldn't think. Our first kiss. That was all I could think about. His lips and his tongue were so addicting. His body was addicting. His everything was addicting. He was addicting. It was annoying.

Even though he was hard to resist, why was my body letting me do this? I felt that I really didn't need a mate, but there was something about having one. Something that just told your body that you needed that person in your life. No matter who it was.

At this point, I was just so confused and surprisingly worn out. I was highly upset that I missed the pool party that I spent money on (because after about 20 minutes, I went in), but tonight, was sort of worth it. I kissed Cameron for the first time. I would do anything to do it again. Or to do more things with him...

"Um, hey bitch. What the hell did you miss this pool party for? It was awesome. You missed everything." Bree threw me out of my thoughts.

"Um, I had some complications... er... It has just been a long night." I sighed.

"Oh... And why was my brother dragging you into the house?" She asked suspiciously.

"He just had... wait... BROTHER?! I didn't know my mate is your brother!" I blurted out without any filter.


"Wait! WHAT? My brother?! Mate?! Oh my Goddess. And it's my best friend! Are we sisters? Did you guys have sex yet? Did you guys mate? Oh please tell me you have! I'm so happy for him! For you!"

"Oh my Goddess. Chill out. No, we haven't had sex or mated. I don't even know if I'm going to say yes to him." I felt kind of bad telling Bree that I hadn't said yes to her only family member left yet. That I might be breaking the heart of the only family she had. To be honest, I felt bad for myself. Why was I put into the situation? This is why did not want a mate.

"Oh Kayla. You're going to break his heart. I know in the past he has been quite a player, and he had something with that slut Melissa, but you never knew how many times he talked about finding his mate. Finding his Luna. He talked about it and talked about it forever to me. Think about it before you make a decision. You know how many people beg to be in your position, being Cameron's mate, or finding a mate at all? Mates are for life and you have to realize that. Saying no to Cameron is like saying no to life."

At this point, I was speechless. All this time, in the few days I have known Cameron, he has affected me greatly. But I was thought I could just put that to the side. Now getting Bree's side of it, as Cameron sister, I was realizing what she was saying was completely true. I couldn't just say no to somebody that was made for me. Somebody that the Moon Goddess had made for me. And what Bree also said kind of made me feel special, too. Cameron had waited for me, except he didn't know who I was at all. None of the girls that he has hooked up with in the past have meant as much to him as I did. Including Melissa.

After a few minutes, I decided to break the silence.

"You know what Bree, I really thought I could just put this aside and expect it to be all good. But now I realize, maybe he is worth a chance. I'm going to go talk to him, even though it's super late. Okay? And I don't want you to tell anybody about this quite yet."

"Anything for my future Luna or sister." she winked with a huge smile.

"Don't get ahead of yourself yet Bree."

When I left my room, I tiptoed to where Cameron's room is, just incase anyone was sleeping. But, no one was to my surprise. Every door I passed, I either heard music blasting or super loud moaning. I guess I really did miss a lot.

His door was closed and at the moment I was super hesitant to tell him I was going to give him a chance. Did I really wanna do this?

After about five minutes of hesitation and battling with the angel and devil on my shoulders, I gripped the doorhandle and let myself in. I soon discovered that nobody was in here. I thought he was out doing something until I heard the shower running.

I knew he would be out any minute. I was nervous and hoped I was doing the right thing, but this decision was being made by me and you're supposed to be with your mate.

After what seemed like five hours, he finally emerged from the bathroom. Steam sifted out and he was wiping his face and didn't even notice me until he was across the room by his bed. At first, he gave me a surprised look, then a sexy smirk.

"Hey beautiful." He said.

"I have to tell you something. I thought maybe I would give you a chance. You know, being your mate."

"Is that true? You're not trying to turn me on again, are you?"

"No, and when have I turned you on?" I said flirtatiously. I don't know what was getting into me, but all I knew was right now, I wanted him so bad, and for no reason at all.

In a second, Cameron was on top of me and smashed his lips into mine. I couldn't help but to kiss him back. Without even knowing, his tongue was in my mouth exploring every inch of it. After a while, he pulled back out of breath.

"Is this what you want? Once I start I'm not going to be able to stop." He said breathlessly, his eyes getting darker by the second.

"Yes, I just want to be with you. And I want you right now." I said out of breath too.

Cameron didn't hesitate at all and started back on kissing me again. After about 10 seconds, he kissed down my neck leaving a trail of electricity. Once he hit my sweet spot, he nibbled on it a little bit and I let out a moan.

"You past the line. No stopping now." He jerked his head up at me and I could see his eyes getting to the darkest shades of black. I think whenever I moan, that sets him off.

Cameron made his way from my collarbone to the top of my chest. Then, he picked his lips up and started lightly dragging them all the way down my bellybutton. I couldn't hold in the moans I had for him. I wanted him so bad. Needed him.

"Say your mine." Cameron said against my waistline.

"No." Although he turned me on and I needed him, I wasn't giving in yet. I was just giving him a chance.

"Say it." By now, he was nibbling on my waist and sliding his hand in between my thighs. I couldn't help myself.

"Cam... Cameron... I..."

Without alarm, Bree pounded into the room first with the look of fear on her face, then slight curiosity to what was going on.

"GET THE HELL OUT!" Cameron roared with fury. I have never seen him yell, and never expected him to yell at his own sister.

"Shut up and let me talk! I was coming to tell you that Alpha Trent has been injured and we need you guys down there!"

"Fine, next time knock." He mumbled, still irritated.

Bree left in an instant before I could ask anything and Cameron got up and threw some pants on, still clearly angry. I was pretty upset too, but I was super worried about my dad right now. They had only been gone two days! What could have happened? So I took one of Cameron's shirts and put it on and tried to run out the door. But before I could, Cameron grabbed my arm and said, "This isn't over."

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