Chapter 17

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I looked at Carter, frightened to intervene with what was going on. I didn't actually know my assumptions of him finding his mate was correct. But I should be focusing on who it was. The only people that lived in this pack house were me (which I technically didn't live here yet), Cameron, Chris, Michael (his third in command) and...


His mate was Bree. I couldn't believe my bestfriend that flirted with me since the second grade was mates with my other best friend. But, how could she have another mate? She told me that she had a mate and he rejected her. That means, if she hadn't been rejected, Carter would never have a mate. Was that even possible?

Then, I turned to Cameron. He blankly stared at Carter who sniffed the air, capturing Bree's scent and his eyes fluttered shut again.

"Cameron?" I said, still looking at him.

"Yes beautiful?" He said softly, looking down into my eyes.

"Is there someone in your pack named Matthew Creet?" I asked suspiciously.

"Nope, but it was my sisters human highschool crush, I think. She always wished he was her mate. But he wasn't. And now her true mate is here." he sighed out the last part. I didn't think he would actually notice the fact his sister was his mate.

Well that explains it all. She fell in love with a human that didn't even want her. So she made up an excuse that he was her mate and rejected her because he didn't even want her. Now this all makes sense.

We have been in here for about a minute and a half. The entire time, Carter growled and sniffed, inhaling her scent. After about two minutes, he darted pass us and upstairs. I already knew where he was headed.


Carter's POV

As soon as we walked into the pack house, a scent hit me like a wave crashing onto the beach. It smelt like honey, flowers, and heaven. I knew exactly what it was and I never expected it to happen right after the talk I had with Kayla. But right now, I wasn't focused on Kayla. Kayla was nothing to me right now. I wanted to see her. MY mate.

My wolf suddenly took over and I began growing and sniffing the air like a wild animal. I heard Cameron and Kayla talking, but I paid no attention to them. I could only focus on her scent.

After what seemed like hours, I couldn't take it anymore and had to be with her. I followed the scent easily up the stairs and into her room, then barged in. The scent hit me even more than it already had been. I looked on to the bed and saw the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on sitting on it.

She had sparkling eyes that I could stare into forever. Her brown hair flowed onto her back and on her face as she jerked her head up from her phone and her skin looked soft and flawless. I wanted to touch her and kiss her right now.

"MINE!" I growled loudly and she kept staring at me with a shocked and sort of thankful looking face. Thankful?

After about two more minutes of intense staring, she broke the silence by standing up. She walked over to me and placed her hands on my face and sighed. Her touch sent sparks through my cheeks and down my body.

"All yours." she said, looking from one of my eyes to the other.

In an instant, I shut and locked her door, flipped us, and then pinned her against the wall. I crashed my lips into hers and she gasped at my sudden movements. She started moving her lips with mine and the amount of electricity in the kiss was unreal. I've never felt so connected to someone that a simple make out would make me lose my mind.

Once I was out of breath, I pulled away and breathed heavily. I stared at her and noticed she was breathing heavy too. I saw her eyes start to tear up and I instantly got the instinct to protect her and was worried.

"What's wrong?!" I asked, staring at her like she was gonna die in my arms.

She looked up at me as tears flowed down her face. I use the pads on my thumbs to wipe them away and when she calmed down a bit, she began to talk.

"I never thought that I was going to find a mate. I thought nobody would want me. I was in an abusive, physically and sexually, relationship and left him after he beat me senseless. After that, I was done with relationships. I've only known you for five minutes, and I already feel like you're the most important person in my life. I just don't want to be hurt in the end like I remember. Please don't leave me." She began sobbing and I held her tight in my arms.

She didn't have to tell me all of that for me to want her. I already did and I wanted to kill the prick that would do something to this amazing girl in my arms.

"I would never in my right mind leave you. You're my mate and we were destined to be together. I will not beat or rape you. EVER. And I promise to find the douche bag that hurt you like that." I whispered in her ear as I held her in my arms comfortingly.

When she finished crying, I suggested we go downstairs. She nodded her head, grabbed my hand, and we walked downstairs. We walked into the kitchen and I saw Kayla and Cameron sitting at the table talking and laughing about something. When they noticed us, they broke their looks from each other to look at us.

"Did you guys do it?" Kayla laughed and wiggled her eyebrows. It was weird. I no longer wanted Kayla. I looked at her as a friend, nothing more, for the first time in 12 years. The only girl I wanted was the one beside me.

"No we didn't." my mate laughed at her joke. I'm guessing they were friends because if I didn't know Kayla, I would be weirded out.

"Please be good to her or I will rip you to shreds. And put the past in the past." Cameron said and I knew the last part was about Kayla. Why was he protecting her though? I started to growl lowly at Cameron until I relaxed to a soft hand touching my arm.

"He's my brother. It's okay." My mate said soothingly. I immediately relaxed all the way from her touch and the brother thing.

"Hey" I said awkwardly. "I never got your name, not that we had tim-"

"Bree." she interrupted. "And yours?" She cocked an eyebrow. It was sexy.

"Carter." I smiled and kissed her forehead.

When I pulled back I saw she had a smile on her face too. I heard a chair being pushed out from the table and I looked to see Cameron getting up. Once he started walking to me, I thought he was going to hit me for kissing her, but all he said was
"I know you will treat my sister right." and walked away.

Good thing I have her brother's approval.

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