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Title: Farewell

I'm done with it.

I can not take this anymore.

Your words are the snakes that slither into my ears.

They build their nests in the night.

Do you mean me harm?

Do you not know what you are doing to me?

Are you not aware of what you make me carry?

I hold your emotions like an old coat rack in a hous.

In that house it a family of 17.

Everyone knows it's gonna to break.

It's just a matter of when.

I'm done with this shit.

I give you my pity.

I feed your emotional insecurities.

I hold you in my arms while you weep.

Yet, you never ask about me?

But, I don't want you to.

Or my own snakes will call me selfish.

I tell the people that I am thinking of myself first.

Just to satisfy them.

But thinking of my self is no longer an option.

It has come second nature for me to bow down to you.

To be your stepping stool.

Or it was.

But no longer.

I am not wanting to me rude or cruel.

But I have reached my point.

The coat rack has snapped into two.

I have drowned in your sorrow for to long.

I am done.

I shall leave you now.

But do not think if it from loathing.

But simply for both of use.

So we both may grow.

So our garden that we grew together may finally flourish, instead of withering from the constant grey sky.

May we abandon our garden, and our home of companion ship.

May we leave our garden in the care of mother nature.

And let her beautiful vines cover and break the windows of our home.

Let the vines hide the place they caused so much hurt.

Now I ask you, let me sail away.

Let me leave this small island so I may voyage, and start my own journey.

While you fix your broken porcelain hands and heart.

So I leave you now.

Farewell my friend.

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