Chapter 7

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Jennie's POV:


I woke up from my alarm.

I reach my arm to the clock, and click the button on the alarm to stop it from ringing.

I then sat up and yawned.

"A new day, a new me," I said.

Yesterday, I spent like the whole night changing the thrift store clothes looks.

I grab the clothes from my desk and dress into it.

I walk to the mirror, and look at my reflection to see how the clothes fit.

It fit so good, from my slim waist down to my pure skinny legs. It looked so much better than it originally was.

Today, I will not put my fake glasses.

Skip to School...

"Jennie!" Rose shouted.

I walk to her and said, "Hi Rose."

"I see you are wearing the clothes we brought for you yesterday.  You redid it so well. You lose your fake glasses, but not your make-up," Rose said.

"Thanks. Trying new things, I guess. I'm not ready for the makeup part," I said

"Well, that's fine, but we need to see what the others reactions to your new clothes you wear for today." she said.

I nodded.

"Let's go," she said as she drags me across the walkway from the gate.

Everyone was staring at me with a surprised expression on their faces.

"Jennie," Jisoo said excitedly as she walked toward us with Lisa beside her.

"I can't believe you actually fit by wearing this. I never think it turns out like this. Also I like your new lol," Jisoo said.

"Same, Jisoo," Lisa said.

"Well, I'm trying something new," I said nervously.

"That's great!"

"Anyway, let's talk more during lunch. We have class soon," Jisoo said.

Lisa, Rose, and I nodded and we went our separate ways. Rose and I didn't separate since we have the same class. Lisa and Jisoo were jealous of us that two of their friend are in the same class while they don't.

Time Skip...

Classes today were not boring or fun. It was just normal for me, to be honest.

I was walking to my locker when a guy was standing at my locker.

I tap his shoulder.

He ignored it.

I tap it again.

He still ignored it.

I was getting annoyed, so I decided to grab his shoulder and make him turn around.

"Excuse me. This is my locker, and you're in my way."

"Sorry, I didn't know this is your locker, poor nerd." He said.

"It-its you from that restaurant, yesterday," I said surprised.

"Yes, it's me. Are you surprised that we go to the same school?"

"Yeah, I am. Now, can you move, so I can get my things in my locker."

"Sure thing, poor nerd."

"Also, don't call me poor nerd."

"Why should I," he said as he takes two step away from my locker, still keeping his eyes one me.

"Because I don't like it."

"I won't stop. Just talk to me like normal."

I ignored his words and I open my locker, grab my lunch, closed it, turn around, and walk off.

Before I took 3 steps in my walk, a pair of hands touched my shoulders, preventing me from sprinting.

I turn around and said," What do you want from me this time?"

"I just want to ask why you ignoring me now. Is it because I'm scary?"

"No, it's just you are annoying and mean," I said honestly.

"But, I'm not those," he whispered in my ear.

I can feel his breath on me.

I pushed him and said," Get your filthy hands off of me. I don't want your flirts, and will never do."

After I said that, I left.

God, he is really annoying.

Author POV:

During lunch, Jennie and her friends talked. Taehyung, on the other hand, stares at their table.

After lunch, Jennie speaks no words to him and even ignored him when he tries to talk to her.

Jennie's POV

7th period.

Oh geez. I have class with that annoying playboy.

I will still continue to ignore him even if he tries to get my attention. The attention he should receive is 0/100.

I don't get why the girls see in him. Probably for money or his look.

To be honest, I don't care what they of him, but I see him completely different what they see I him.

As I approach my seat, the playboy tap on my desk.

I ignored it once.

He did it again.

I still ignored it.

He then kept tapping until I have enough and looked at him.

"Are you done?" I said as my face is showing anger.

"No," he said and left to go to his seat.

He's so annoying.

Author POV:

The rest of the period, Taehyung didn't disturb her. As for Jennie, she left when the class ended, ignoring Taehyung's shouting her nickname. (If you don't get which nickname, it's poor nerd)

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