Chapter 42

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Jennie POV:

It's the weekend and I have no school.

I have work later, but right now, I can call Taehyung.

I ring his phone number.

Shortly he answered.

"I miss you, Taehyung. How are you?" I asked him while smiling.

"I-I'm alright. Just lit of things going around this week."

"You look not ok. Are you sure your alright."

"I-I'm very sure."

"You know you can talk to me. I can help you have less stress. I think if you don't let it go, it will become worse."

"Jennie, I'm very ok. You don't need to worry about. I need to get some break off today and tomorrow. I even told my boss."

"Anyway, how is your school?"

"It's alright. I passed the exam for my fashion. The teacher was impress with my work."

"That's nice to hear. Hopefully you are not stressing yourself."

"Yeah I'm not, but how is the group? I haven't keep in touch with them lately. They been in the group chat all day long today. Jimin and Rosè are trainees now?"

"They both got accepted into the entertainment."

"Wow that's amazing. Good luck to them. What about Namjoon?"

"He got accepted into Psychology school 4 weeks ago."

"I never got message about him getting in."

"Same. He never told us until told today. We were all surprise."

"I see now. Jin and Jisoo? What about them?"

"They both got into model school. They have to do some model jobs together since they both look like sibling."

"So true."

"Did Lisa and Jungkook got into dancing class?"

"Yes they got into dancing school. They are known as the dancing machine in the school."

"As they should," I said clapping the air.

"Suga and J-Hope?"

"J-Hope in photography class while Suga release his first album called D-1T."

"I see. Good luck to both."

Anyway. I have something else to do. I should see you next week."

"Not even tomorrow?"

"I am taking a break today and tomorrow, so I can handle the stress."

"Well, I hope you will feel well. Hopefully you are free of it by next week. If you need anything just send me a text. I will be there for you. I don't want it to affect your health."

"It won't affect my health Jennie so don't worry. Anyway, bye Jennie."

"Bye," I said before he ended the call.

"He stress?" Haruto said leaning on the door.

"Did you hear our conversation?"

"Didnt mean to, but I can hear his voice though."

"Yeah. I think he's not going to tell me what is bothering him. I trust him, but I hope he can tell me soon. I just don't want to worry too much. He even told me to not worry. I just want to help him since he made me go back to myself."

"I get it. If he says to not worry about, don't worry about. Just do your normal daily life as how it is. He will come around."

"Your right."

I got up and left the apartment.

Work is what I got to attend.

Next week...

I call Taehyung again. Hopefully he is better.

Ring ring ring ring....

The phone just kept going. 

I guess he still not ready as I heard Siri's announce the person you just call can't be picked up.

I ended the call.

I sighed and left for work early.

Taehyung POV:

I feel so bad for Jennie.

I know I should have told her, but  I can't let myself to tell her Irene helping me. She might think I'm not loyal to her. She knows she is my ex, but since she helped me at the park, being nice to her is a way to repay what I said to her in the past.

Hopefully when I have the time, I would tell her. Probably next week.

I went to the gate entrance waiting for two people.

Momo and Nayeon just transfer to have education here, so I am meeting them at this spot.

I just saw them waving at me.

I wave to them.

"Hi, Taehyung." They both said.

"Hi Momo and Nayeon. Why did you guys want to be here?"

"Our parents want us to be here since we are going to be a CEO for our company. They made our dreams crushed, but it's fine." Nayeon said.

"Momo, doesn't your dad own a model company?"

"Yeah he does. It's going to be great if I become a CEO one day since I can get J-Hope to be our photographer to take pictures of the model," She said smiling.

"Does J-Hope know?"

"He will sign up for it."

"So, how are you and Jennie?" Momo said changing the subject.

"We are alright. I just haven't tell her something. I'm afraid she will break up with me."

"You know if you don't tell her, she might suspect something you did that she will not like to hear, and could lead to your relationship downfall."

"Your right. This deals something with my ex."

"I see."

"Are you with your ex again?" Nayeon asked.

"No, it's not that. It's just that she did something I never expect from her, but I just want to be nice to her, not getting a relationship with my ex again."

"Well, you have to tell her. If she sees you hanging with your ex, she might take it that you don't love her anymore."

"Your right. I have to tell her tonight."

"Well we have a long way to go. Our class is about to start soon."

"Your right," I said as we head to our class.

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