Chapter 11

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Jennie POV:

Today, was just like yesterday.

People still make fun of me and calling me bucket girl.

My eyes started to water.

Why can't I just be treated equally and normally. (Her tears coming out of her eye)

People laugh at me at lunch, the hallway, even in classroom where the teacher is not present.

On the hallway, I saw popular girls roll their eyes and turn around, not wanting to look at me.

Why is my life miserable. Every school I go, I experience this. To be honest. If this gets worse, I might not survive this school anymore.

I want to tell my mom, but if she did, she will move us again. I don't want her to move again because I will tire my mom out.

She drives like lots of minutes to get to work, if we move again, she drives for more minutes.

I then thought about dad, who never saw for most of my life.

He never went home nor attend any of the parent conference or pick up when I needed to. All he does is work at his company, and sleep there, and never ever come home.

His secretary, Mr. Chan, always there just to keep him company.

I wish dad could come home and help me with my problem.

I sighed and wipe my tears away.

I went to my room, set my backpack down, and sat at my desk.

I spent the rest of the evening at my room, doing my homework.

A thought just pop in my head while I was working; If only I could make people don't judge me like that.

It will be hard to change their mind overnight. They likely will never change their mind, just give them days.

I think I should follow what my mind says. Just wait for it.

After I was done with my homework, I went to the balcony.

I looked up at the sky, the sun slowly deplete it's light, making the moon appear on the south of it.

I thought about that person at the park, who was sleeping there.

I wonder what they did to my jacket, and where they at, now."

Did they wear it and kept it or did they sell it and made money off it or did they lose it? Did they went someone else to live. Or stayed at the same place.

I don't know. I don't know.

Then, an idea pop in my head. Why don't I visit the park again. It would be nice if I visit it there, so I can see if they are there or not.

I quickly went to my closet, pulled out a jacket and a hoodie in case they are there and I can give them another jacket.

I wear the hoodie on myself, and putting the jacket on my waste, tied it so it won't fall.

I then called a taxi.

I went to the front gate, waiting patiently for the ride to come.

When the ride came, I hope in and told the driver to take me to the Hyeom Park (Made it name). The driver nodded and drove off.

When I got there, I told the driver if they can stay here for like 20 minutes. The driver at first disagree until I bribe then that I'll pay 3 times the amount for the whole ride. (Drove to the park, wait 20 minutes, and drove back to her house for 3x the amount). ~> that driver is making banks.

I went to the bench.

I saw a person sleeping there with my jacket.

I smiled at that.

Seeing them here makes up my bad mood.

Since there still here, I could give them another one.

I untangle the knot of my jacket. I release it from my waist, and I put it on the person.

I couldn't see their face since they facing the floor, while still on the bench.

I still smiled.

I hope one day they will meet me properly and thank me for helping them.

I always love to help people because I passion to be good.

I let that thought drift on my mind as I walked back the the taxi.

I hop in and told the drive to take me back home.

The driver nodded and drove off.

When I got home, I payed the driver, and went back to my room.

I went to change clothes and brush my teeth.

After I was done, I went to bed and went to sleep.

I'll just wash my body, tomorrow, she said in her mind before sleeping.

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