Chapter 32

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Jennie POV:

After Suga discharged from the hospital today, Kai went to my house again. He asked if we can go this park and get some ice cream. I agreed.

We both walk to the same park where we first met. There is a different route we go, but it's not the same one I went to meet the person I gave the jacket to.

We both met bumping into each at other at the bench. I was looking backward and didn't know where I was going and ran into his chest. That's how it started.

"I don't have much time left, but I can spend couple minutes with you here," he said as we arrive the ice cream cart.

"I'm moving to New Zealand. Start fresh new and enter my first year college there."

"That is nice."

"Sure is. I got everything pack and ready."

"Your prepared."

"Yep." "May I have 2 vanilla mint ice cream, please." He said to the ice cream men and paid for it.

He turn to face me while we wait for the ice cream.

"I need to tell you something."


"That I forgive, Kai. I have been feeling free myself. Since you want to start fresh new in New Zealand, I want you to not feel more guilty there."

"Thank you, Jennie. This means really a lot. It takes me so long to change the way I was before."

"I'm glad to hear."

"Your ice cream is ready," the Ice cream men said as Kai went to take it from him, walk toward me and handed me one.

"Thanks," I said as I grab it from his hand and begin eating it.

"I got 2 minutes left and I have to go."

"Maybe we should eat fast."

"Take your time."

I nodded.

"How do you know where I live?"

"I manage to contact your mom. At first she didn't agreed, but after I told her, she took consideration. I wait for few days till she agreed and gave me the address. That day, I came to your house, and it was night time."

"I see it now."

"Oh, times up. I have to go, now Enjoy your ice cream," he as he took off.

"Good luck in New Zealand!" I shouted.

"Thanks and you too in your future," he shouted back as I saw his figure slowly disappear.

"Your welcome," I whisper before I went home.

Day before graduation.

Taehyung POV:

It's been more than weeks I been around Jennie. I have fallen in love with her harder before.

Each moment were together, I lose myself.

I hope tomorrow, I will try ask her again.

Since it's our graduation ceremony tomorrow, It's the perfect opportunity to ask her.

I'm going to wear something simple and nice for tomorrow.

A classy khaki pants and a polo shirt with a short tie. I already got my robe and my gradation hat.

I yawned.

I'm so tired. Time to sleep and and get ready for tomorrow.

I turn off the lights and went under my blanket.

Good night.

Graduation day:

"I'm going to send you to school, today." Mom said looking at my shirt to see if everything is organize.

"Oh ok."

"Just be confident. You will do great."

"I'm always confident."

"Good, now let's get going."

I nodded and we left.

As I arrive at the ceremony, I saw my friends together. My mom drop me off closest to them . I got out of the car, thank my mom, and walk to them.

"What's the matter?" I asked them.

"We all celebrating and going to miss the school. Including teacher Jun?" Jisoo said.

"What about teacher Jun?"

"He is transferring to another school, going to be teaching college level. We don't know which."

"Oh." I said.

"We're going to miss him."

"Same," Lisa said.

"Where are y'all going for college?"

"I'm going to go Fashion Academy to become a model. Jin too." Jisoo said.

"I'm going to psychology school to pursue some fortune telling gifts," Namjoon said.

"I'll be a singer with Jimin. We are waiting for the result. It still haven't came out," Rosè said.

"Hopefully next week," Jimin said.

"I'm going to be a choreographer," Lisa said.

"Don't forget to include me, Lisa." Jungkook said.

"Oh yeah, Kook-Lee will be going with me. He finally listen," she said smiling.

"What's the name with Kook-Lee?" Jisoo said.

"His nickname is Kookie, but built like a builder (aka Bruce Lee), so I combine both."

"Add on to that, no one beside her calls me that," Jungkook said proudly.

"We won't. But Lisa, we should go to our seat," Jisoo said.

She nodded and left with her.

"Kookie - Lee, let's go."

"Don't call me that."

"Why not."

"Lisa can only call me that. You and Jennie can have your own nickname one day."

I felt my heartbeat fast when he said her name.

"Jungkook. Don't mention her name, here. You know her name drives me crazy."

"Then don't call my Kookie - Lee."

"I won't now," I said as my heart stops beating fast.

"Hey look. It's Jennie," Rosè said.

I looked at the direction Rosè is look.

I look straight and saw a well dress, beautiful skin, with light makeup walking toward us.

It makes my heart beat want to punch out of me. After it calm down, it went fast.

"Hello guys!" She said smiling toward me, specifically.

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