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Jill stood on the doorstep, eyes straining after Brexten. He leaped over low bushes with ease and she sighed with relief; any lingering effects from his blow to the head were gone. Then she frowned, surprised she could see him at all. There seemed to be an awful lot of light—more than just the moon and the odd lamplight. Curious looking free-floating yellow orbs glowed overhead, strung out like Christmas lights. In that light, she caught sight of Rafe, his arm coming down in a volley of vicious swings as he overwhelmed the three shadowy creatures in front of him. Then he stepped over them to run back to Perren who beat at another shadow with a stick. Rafe cut down it too after pushing his cousin aside.

Next, she saw Aden in a circle of red light, his hands empty but his arms up and out, as if he had just pushed his attacker away. The attacker staggered, turned in her direction and looked like he might run at her. Instead he froze, expression fearful. Aden took the moment to strike. Red light erupted from both hands, catching the other off-guard. The man fell with a scream and didn't get up. Aden threw her a look she couldn't decipher and ran off toward the barn. Rafe followed, as did Perren. Brexten was already on his way there.

Jill danced from foot to foot on the doorstep. She wanted to see what was happening, but was afraid to leave the cottage. Curiosity finally won out, and she raced after them.

Behind the barn, Damek was surrounded in a ball of red light similar to Aden's. Janos slashed away ineffectually at the air in front of him. Between them, they battled another man and four...creatures. Aldar teres. And now that Jill could clearly see them, she wished she hadn't.

They came up to her shoulders. They looked like unfinished humans halfway transformed into pigs. None were clothed and a matting of dark fur covered their chests and groins, making them appear sexless. They had hands that ended in claws and teeth that were too long and sharp to be used simply for chewing. They carried swords and spears and shields, each brandished high by their well-muscled arms. And as she drew closer, she heard their hideous squeals and grunts—squeals like those she'd heard in the Forest of Arianie.

Rafe leapt on one, knocking it to the ground and clobbering it while bellowing a fierce war-cry. Brexten moved in to take another and in a heartbeat, his dagger was out. He went low to the ground, dagger slashing, catching the remaining three in their calf muscles and slicing the tendons before they could react. As they fell, squealing all the way, Brexten turned and caught one in the throat, slashing. Perren raced up and fell on another, beating its head over and over with his stick while Janos took the last one with his sword.

Damek's human attacker tried to turn and run. Instead, the mongrel Shey was caught between Damek and Aden. Damek's expression was pleading, Aden's hard.

"There's no rehabilitation once Tamas has turned them," Aden said.


"They can only work with corrupted magic now. No Shey'na'shen can be brought back from that."

With a resigned look on his face, Damek nodded. Red light flashed between them. The trapped man screamed as if being torn to pieces. Then he fell on his face, mercifully quiet.

The silence came so abruptly, it startled her. Janos wiped his sword on the grass, then sheathed it. Rafe still held his, the blade coated with blood as if just resting between swings. Jill watched Perren let go of the stick he'd been holding, hurling it away. She wondered if he'd ever killed before. From the look on his face, probably not.

"Dim the lights. I think the neighbors have seen enough," Aden murmured. Damek waved his hand and half the yellow orbs overhead disappeared, leaving a pale, muted glow.

In the Shadow of the Goddess (Book 1 of The Fallen Gods Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now