Chapter 4

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The next few days were spent in camp and taking care of the needs of the queens, kits, elders, and medicine cats. Icepaw despised every heartbeat he was cooped up in the camp, wanting desperately to get back out into the twolegplace with Lostsong and Dusk. Since it was going to take a while for Lostsong's wound to heal and for him to wake up, Dusk persisted relentlessly to Shiningstar and Tigerflame that he would remain with the Clan until his brother was all better.

"I know how you Clan cats are," he'd told the leader, deputy, and medicine cat. "And I'm not risking the life of another cat I love for the sake of your precious warrior code. I'm staying with Lostsong."

Icepaw avoided most of his Clanmates; mainly his family and mentor. He slept in the nest furthest from the other apprentices- which now included Lionpaw and Honeypaw- and always started his duties before any of them woke up. However, he found that he rather enjoyed self-isolating himself away from other cats. Apart from Dusk, Lostsong, and Lucy, there wasn't another cat he really enjoyed being around and talking to. I suppose I can't get used ot it either, he thought while scraping some moss off an oak tree in the camp. Shiningstar and Tigerflame would never let me leave this Clan for a bunch of rag-tag cats in the twolegplace. Kit squeals alerted him to an ambush of five tiny bundles charging into the clearing, their fluff fur glowing in the hot greenleaf sun.

"Race you to the apprentice's den!" Batkit called over her shoulder as she headed for the bramble den. "Last one there's a scaredy-mouse!"

Icepaw watched with slight interest as the kits ran toward the den, only stopping or slowing down when they reached the hidden den. His whiskers twitched with amusement and he shook his head, going back to what he was doing. After a moment, he sensed that he wasn't alone and he sniffed the air and tensed.

Goldenpoppy stormed up to him, her ears flattened against her skull while her fur bristled. Icepaw turned and faced his mentor, acutely aware of the air suddenly growing tense and cold. "You're back." She meowed icily, her eyes like stone as she stated the obvious.

"Yes, it appears that I am." Icepaw replied with enough coldness to freeze a cat to the ground. His tail swished and knocked over the moss he was collecting, but neither cat seemed to particularly care. Some that were in the camp sent looks in their direction, but Icepaw paid them no mind.

His mentor's eyes were wary and incredibly cold. Her shoulders were tense and her claws were halfway unsheathed, making it known that she was not in the right mood for anything. "You're still an apprentice of ShellClan," she went on, her eyes fixated on Icepaw. "You'll still be training under me per Shiningstar's order. Finish up what you're doing and I'll come fetch you for some hunting practice."

Inwardly, Icepaw groaned. He hated the thought of having to deal with Goldenpoppy on his tail for training, even though he'd never trained before. Staring impassively at his mentor, he gave nothing away. "Of course."

Goldenpoppy nodded and briskly turned away. Her tail flicked and she walked away, Icepaw staring after her. Stuck-up she-cat. He scoffed, shaking his head before gathering the moss and heading for Leopardwave's den with the greenery clamped between his jaws.

After dropping off the moss, Icepaw stretched, jaws parting with a elongated yawn. His ears flicked as a fly buzzed near, and he watched as the black dot flew in front of his face. Lifting a paw, the fly landed on a toe and crawled around on his foot. "What are you doing here?" He murmured to the little insect, sitting down with the fly on his paw. "You're an outsider just like I am: Something we have in common." Amused that he had something in common with a bug, he shook his paw and watched as the fly flew away.

"Ice," growled Dusk as he emerged from the shade underneath a nearby oak tree. The apprentice turned and dipped his head respectfully at the rogue, noting the irritation in his tone. "How long will we have to stay here? I want to get out of here and go into the city with Lostsong." His claws retracted and unsheathed into the earth. "It's killing me moldering around in this camp."

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