Chapter 7

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Slatepaw walked beside Milkpaw and Lionpaw as the full-moon cast deep, dark shadows on the forest floor. The days since he'd fallen ill had gone by smoothly and he recovered rather quickly. For now, he was on lighter duties, but he was chosen to go to his first Gathering with Milkpaw, Honeypaw, Lionpaw, and Whisperingpaw. A pang of guilt pricked his heart as he imagined Pebblepaw's excitement about a Gathering. The pain grew as he thought of both his siblings joining him side-by-side as they went to their first Gathering. He shook out his pelt, dislodging the pain as he pictured Icepaw doing nothing to save Pebblepaw. Bitterness pierced his heart once more.

Brackenfern slackened his pace from walking alongside Birdwhisker and matched paces with Slatepaw and the other apprentices. "Make sure you don't reveal that you fell ill," he told his apprentice. "HollyClan and SwampClan can smell weakness from across the border. If they figure out you got sick, they may accuse us of not taking care of our own."

Slatepaw nodded. "Of course." He looked over at Milkpaw and Lionpaw, his pelt prickling as the two cats chatted with one another.

Brackenfern flicked his tail. "I hope all of you have a good time during your first Gathering of many." He meowed and dipped his head, hurrying back to Birdwhisker.

Four tail-lengths ahead of the five apprentices, Tigerflame raised his tail for the Clan to stop walking. Since Shiningstar was back in the camp taking care of their kits, Tigerflame was tasked with representing his leader in front of the Clans. After a moment of looking from side to side, Tigerflame let his tail fall and padded onward into a circular clearing with strong scents of other cats rising from the bushes and ferns.

Slatepaw tensed his shoulders and followed his Clanmates as they trickled quickly and quietly into the meadow. They looked like shadows in the moonlight, though their eyes glowed in the filtered light that slitted through the trees canopy overhead.

"About time you got here!" Called a pale-ginger she-cat with green eyes. "Were you too busy counting mice to show up on time?"

Tigerflame paid her no mind as he passed her, his tail tip flicking behind him. Leopardwave followed at his side, Wetface trailing behind. The medicine cat apprentice's eyes darted to and fro, as though looking for someone. "I'm sorry that we're late," Slatepaw heard the deputy mew to a pale-gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes as well as a black-and-white tom with a long tail and orange eyes.

The black-and-white tom's eyes flashed as Tigerflame joined them on a large rock that was smooth on the top. "Where's Shiningstar?" He asked, his voice gruff. "Did she fall ill?" There was a taunting undertone to his voice, and Slatepaw saw Tigerflame's claws unsheathe slightly.

"Of course not," Tigerflame responded coolly, seeming unbothered. He settled himself down between the two other cats, who shifted away from him as he sat down. "She back in the camp watching over our kits."

The pale-gray tabby she-cat blue eyes widened. "Shiningstar had your kits?" Tigerflame nodded. "I thought she was too old to have kits." She sneered, and Tigerflame shot her a glare.

"Shiningstar and our kits are in perfect health and shape," he growled and lashed his tail. "She had six in her litter, and they're all doing fine." Tigerflame glanced at both cats, his eyes glowing in the moonlight. "If there's nothing else to talk about, I suggest we get this Gathering started."

The black-and-white tom placed a white paw in fornt of Tigerflame, who bristled and let out a low growl. "Slow down, Tigerflame," he cooed. "Let our Clans mingle for a little bit before we all announce what's been going on."

Tigerflame's neck fur rose. "Whatever the two of you have planned," he snarled at the two leaders. "You had better hope it doesn't involve my Clan."

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