Chapter 13

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Icefog dragged his paws back to the ShellClan camp in the dead of night. Exhaustion pulled at his limbs and tugged at his pelt as he forced his way into the camp, the scent of the alley cats on his fur as he entered the enclosure. His exhausted legs felt like lumps of wood as he dragged himself into the camp and headed for the warrior's den. To his surprise, he saw Slateblaze and Crowstorm sitting outside the den, gazing up at the stars as they spoke quietly with each other.

Crowstorm was meowing, her voice a giggle. "I thought only tough toms worried about being 'too soft' around kits and she-cats." She teased Icefog's amber-eyed brother. "You're certainly a lover, not a fighter."

Slateblaze's cheeks flushed in the silver moonlight and he protested quickly. "I am not a lover!" He mewed hastily, his voice tainted with embarrassment and it was high-pitched. Icefog suppressed an amused purr. His brother was such an idiot when it came to his feelings. "I can hold my own against an entire SwampClan patrol!"

The brown tabby she-cat purred with amusement and swatted at his ears playfully. "You couldn't even hurt a fly that had fangs and claws," she laughed and flicked her tail. She clearly enjoyed making a fool of Slateblaze, and Icefog felt his chest grow warm at the sight of his brother's genuine smile and sparkle in his eyes. I never thought I'd see that again after Pebbles died, I'm glad he's his old self again. "You'd be shredded by a mouse!"

With a playful growl, Slateblaze flung himself at Crowstorm. They tumbled into the clearing and Slateblaze pinned the she-cat to the ground beneath him, giggling like little kits. They laughed and snickered as they tried to stay as quiet as possible as to not wake up any of the sleeping cats.

"Am I interrupting something here?" Icefog watched in thorough enjoyment as Slateblaze threw himself off of Crowstorm and landed on his back with a soft thud in the dirt. Crowstorm scrambled to her paws, her fur sticking out as dust clug to it like ticks. "Or should I give you two some privacy?"

"I-Icefog!" Crowstorm licked her chest fur in swift embarrassment, her cheeks flushed and ear tips turning red. Icefog suspected that her ears would be burning from the blood rushing with flustered shock. "I wasn't aware you came back so early!"

Icefog sat down, his tail flicking over his front paws. "Clearly," he mused and looked to his brother, who had gotten to his paws and sauntered over, clearly looking guilty from being caught playing around. "You and Crowstorm, eh? Nice pick, little brother, she's nice and feisty. You two match each other perfectly." While his tone was thoroughly amused and teasing, he meant every word. Slateblaze and Crowstorm were good matches for each other-- and she could help him heal after Pebblepaw and growing up without Icefog.

Slateblaze shook out his tortoiseshell pelt, his eyes burning and paws shifting. "We were just fooling around." He mewed hurriedly, and Icefog saw Crowstorm's eyes flicker with hurt at his words. She clearly thinks otherwise. "Nothing to interrupt. What are you doing back from the twolegplace so early? I thought you'd spend a few nights there or something."

Icefog felt his tail tip flick as he detected some bitterness and hopefulness in his brother's voice. Was he hoping I'd stay away? Hurt clawed at Icefog's chest but he ignored it, passing it off as missing Pebblepaw. "I thought I shouldn't push the Clans' buttons too much," he half-joked. "Figured I'd hang around here for a while before going back for a few days."

Something about Slateblaze's flashing eyes made Icefog feel very unnerved. "That's...great. The Clan will be glad to see you around for a bit before you vanish." The tortoiseshell warrior's eyes flicked to Crowstorm, who looked uncomfortable. "I'm going back inside, are you coming?"

"I think I'll chat with Icefog for a little bit before turning in," Crowstorm answered, her voice light as though trying to test the hot-headed tom's temperament. "I'll meet you in there, alright?"

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