Chapter 14

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Icefog nosed about at the snow-covered ground, ignoring the biting cold that nipped at his pink nose as he pushed some snow away in search for a mouse nest or anything to catch. A few days had strolled by since Foxglovepaw had been saved and the apprentice hadn't regained stable consciousness since slipping into a deep slumber from blood loss. He glanced up as he heard shuffling and saw the slim tail a few strides away from him. Legs stiffening, Icefog dropped into a crouch and inched toward the mouse, his eyes narrowing as he appraoched the little rodent. Unsheathing his claws, he lunged forward and bit down hard on the mouse's neck, killing it instantly.

"Nice one!" Lightstorm commented as she came up behind him. In her jaws was a scrawny crow with missing feathers from where she wrestled to kill it a few moments prior. Icefog had helped her catch the bird after spotting it pecking at the ground, going after a worm to bring back to its nest to feed its young. Together, they had clambered up the tall oak tree the crow had nested in and stolen a few prized eggs. Eggs- especially ones in leafbare- were always a tasty snack and they were a sign of good hunting and hearty feeding during the cold moons.

Icefog blinked at her, thankful she hadn't mentioned his lack of catching anything else. Even if it is leafbare, I'd rather catch something more than a mouse. He thought sourly. "Thanks," he mewed with a quick dip of his head. He scanned the bare trees in search of Onecloud and Lowheart, who had tagged along on the patrol. "Where are the others?" He asked, returning his gaze to the deputy's.

Lightstorm also glanced around and tasted the air. Icefog copied her, but didn't scent either tom. "I'm not sure," her voice was growing wary as she flicked her tail. "I thought Onecloud said something about a squirrel, and Lowheart may have found a mouse nest."

"Could they have gotten lost or attacked?" Icefog queried, scooping up the mouse he'd caught in his jaws as to not have it freeze to the ground.

The dark-striped deputy shook her head, though she looked skeptical. "Lost isn't likely as they've known the forest for seasons and memorized it like their own pelts." She hesitated as she added. "As for attacked...we can't put aside that SwampClan and or HollyClan will want to get their slimey paws on our prey."

Icefog flicked his tail with a snort. "Less likely from HollyClan," he muttered, remembering the connection between Smallwhiskers and the HollyClan leader. I wonder if she's expecting his kits.

Lightstorm narrowed her yellow eyes at him suspiciously. "What do you mean?" Her voice was as frosty as the snow that buried their paws as her gaze sharpened. "Is there something you haven't told us about HollyClan?"

Icefog hesitated before responding. "Smallwhiskers and Otterstar have been seeing each other for a while, maybe longer." He decided to just say the truth and deal with the aftermath later. Lightstorm's eyes flashed as they widened like twin moons. "She admitted it to me not long after I became a warrior, though I doubt they've seen much of each other now that Otterstar is leader."

"Lightstorm! Icefog! Come quick!" Lowheart came bounding out from behind a snowdrift and sprayed the white flakes all over the deputy. "There's a fox attacking Onecloud! I-I think it's the same one that mauled Foxglovepaw!"

Icefog was already racing back from Lowheart came, not waiting for Lightstorm or the other tom to catch up. His heart was thudding loudly in his ears as he nearly slipped on the snowy ground. Keeping his footing, Icefog sprang over a pile of snow and skidded to a halt, gaping at the bloody scene in front of him.

Onecloud screeched as the fox ripped into his chest, spraying blood everwhere. The fox was splattered by the warrior's blood, though a gash on its flank and face also added blood to the scarlet-stained snow under and around them. Onecloud let out a shriek of pain that was tragically cut short as the fox sank its fangs into his throat and threw him up against the nearest tree.

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