chapter 12

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We ran, but something told me not to but it didn't matter, we took a short-cut i created to get to the church faster and we got there with in 15 minutes

"this is it, ill introduce you to everyone" i said and he just nodded and we both walked in when

"ABI!!!" yelled Elsis

"SAMMY!!!" yelled Diana

"MOOSE!!!" yelled Nathan, the other helpers just laugheed at our weirdnesss

"hey Abi" they said in unison

"ELSIS!!! DEAN!!! CROWLEY and hey guys" i said and started to walk to the back "this is Tony, he's a friend that will be helping us out today."

  Tony's POV

I saw her smile at her friends and i didn't understand why she self-harms when she has people that care about her

"Hi Tony, im Elsis" said Elsis, i didn't even see her get close to me

"hi" i responded when Abi gets next to me

"formation" she says and its really cute then her friends form a half circle "ok well thats Diana, Elsis, Nathan, Patty, Nami or Judith, and  Luffy or Ias" she said while pointing at them and this Luffy guy for some reason had a straw hat

"hi" i said a bit quietly

"aww" said Abi and hugged me, im pretty sure Diana and Patty saw me almost blush

"well lets get to work" she said "and you follow me" and i did, she showed me the way into the kitchen and gave a hairnet she put hers on but i had trouble with mine

"help me" i asked, she looked at me and smiled

"all you have to do is put your hair in the net then over your head" she said and had to stand on her tipytoes just to help me

'does this work?" i askedf while bending down alittle bit, she smiled and nodded i also think she mummbled a thanks but when i saw her eyes i just wanted to kiss her forever but i don't even know if she likes me the way i do, i was going to ask her a question when a lot of homeless people started coming and they were getting in line that's when i realise "we're helping the homeless" i said

"yup, we do this every chance we get and it goods for them because they know that we care for them" she said "watch follow me" and i did we walked out when Patty and Judith walked in and started filling peoples bolws

"hey harry" she said to an old man with a small dog

"Abi, how are you my dear?" asked Harry in a raspy voice

"i'm fine, oh this is  Tony my friend" said Abi

"hi, sir" i said in a small voice and he just laughed

"call me Harry" he said, and we talked for a while but then we had to get to work about 2 hours later we got our own food

"come with me i want to show you something" said Abi and started to walk up the stares, it took a while before we got there but when we did i wasn't expecting what i saw.

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