chapter 25

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"Jaime, i want to ask you for a favor" i said

"sure whats up Abi?" he asked

"i dont really think we will win the case so if anyhting i want you to see if you guys can have William" i said

"Abi dont worry we will win alright and if we dont you can runaway again but we dont want you with that family" he said

"just promise me" i said

"alright...i promise" he said

"pinky swear?" i said while sticking out my pinky finger

"pinky swear" he said and we interwind our pinkies

"good" i said and hugged and kiss him "i love you Jaime you're the best"

"i love you too Abi" he said and kissed my forhead, he tucked me in "i never thought i'd be doing this to a teen"

"well im special" i said while yawning and after that i feel right asleep but i did feel another kiss on my forhead

~next day, a few minutes befire the interveiw~

"ok guys Abi is still underage so we wont tell about Tony and Abi" said Mike

"aww but i was going to shout it" i said sarcasticly, they all just looked at me like 'really?' and i just shrugged

"ok people in a few you guys and gal will be walking into the interview so get ready" said Michael and walked into the interveiw room and started talking about the band and me. I looked at Jaime and he gave me his hand knowing full well that will calm me down, we all heard Michael introduse us

"you ready Abi?" asked Mike

"yup" i said and we all started walking

"Abi!" shouted someone it urned and looked at Dave running towards us holding something so i stopped "Abi wait!" he kept shouting and when he finally got to us "i want you to wear it" he said and was holding Cole's ring

"Dave" i said and i took the ring and place it on my index finger "ok now im ready"
Jaime and i walked into the interveiw, once we sat down so many hands and questions were thrown at us and we each pick one person to talk after the other

"Jaime how long have you known about your little sister?" asked a lady with blond and brown hair

"well i always knew i had a little sister but i always thought she was dead until recently" he said and hugged me

"Abigail how do you feel about Jaime Preciado being your older brother? do you expect money from him?" asked a man that looked rather odd

"i feel proud that he's my brother because i know him and his friends have saved the lives of others and no actually im used to workimg for my money and i know what its like to have your money taken away from you" i said

"can you give us more information on that?" said another man

"well my foster parents would take away my money when i did something wrong or if they just wanted the money" i said

"Abigail, who would date out of the other three and would any of you guys date her?" asked a young lady who kept looking at Tony

"i would date Abi" said Tony and smiled at me

"i would too" said the Fuentes brothers at the same time

" i would pick Tony" i said and smiled

"Abigail can you tell us about your scars that you are trying to hide" said the same reporter

"i dont think she will" said Jaime

"its ok" i said "well i use to get abused by the people i thought cared for me but i was wrong and well all the pain could ony be taken away be some more pain but since i found my real family i have been trying to stop because i dont want to lose them so soon" i said and i was holding back the tears

"any other questions?" asked Vic

"what would you do if you could date Tony?" asked the old man

"i would hug him and kiss him and just be with him" i said

"Tony, Abigail is underage if you like her would you wait for her and if not could you go out with me?" said a the young pretty lady and winked at Tony

"i would wait for Abi and no" said Tony, i know it might be wrong of me but i hated that lady she tried to take Tony from me,

"Abigail, on twitter people are asking why did you choose to find your family for all you knew they could have been worse?" asked a different lady

"well my best friend asked me that when he found out what i did and i told him because i have to know i dont want to die and regret not knowing they could have not cared at all for me and i would be happy because i know that i can die with knowing who they are...i just didn't expect it to be one of the few people who have saved me from the darkness" i said and hugged Jaime

"ok thats enough questions for now" said Mike and we were all getting up when

"Abigail how does it feel being the girl most peeople look up to now?" asked the pretty lady

"it feels amazing and i just have one thing to say dont cut listen to music or watch tv or read do something positive that will make you forget never hurt yourself, you're to perfect for that" i said and walked away.

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