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Third Person POV

Wolfy was confused. He was confused what has happened with Amagi. He was confused on what is happening to him. But what confuses him most was how he managed to break his leg chains and handcuff linking. He though of these as he quickly grabbed his helmet and viproblade from Ayanami and Z23. His hands where still cuffed however he soon spotted an opportunity to break them as he ran away from the storage building. As he kept on running he spotted two large red outcrops from the back of a persons head.

Wolfy (thought): They look strong enough.

Wolfy quickly jumped up and spread his hands, each of the hands catching onto the outcrops. He soon felt them break and did a combat roll as he hits the ground. However before he could take a step he soon felt something snatch onto his heels and soon he fell onto the floor.

Wolfy: Oof!

???: My my, I would expect a little boy like yourself to have better manners.

Wolfy was shocked however he couldn't think as he was suddenly dragged up into the air and he soon spotted who was dangling him by the grips of his ankle.

Wolfy was shocked however he couldn't think as he was suddenly dragged up into the air and he soon spotted who was dangling him by the grips of his ankle

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???: Well, let me teach you some discipline.

Wolfy: Oh no...

As the woman got closer to him he could hear the panting of Ayanami and Z23 who soon appeared besides the women's large riggings.

Z23: S-Sorry to interrupt you Mrs. Friedrich.

FDG: Oh, no worry my daughters. But I must ask, is this the space battleship?

Ayanami: Yes, but-

It was then Wolfy suddenly saw his hands, both now completely free from the handcuffs. He quickly closed his eyes and soon a bright light glowed around him. Friedrich's rigging tried to keep hold however when the light finally faded, Wolfy's hands was firmly keeping the mouth of the dragons at bay.

FDG: Oh, so this child is resistant. So be it.

Friedrich quickly tried to throw Wolfy onto the ground however Wolfy planted his feet and lifted the ginormous riggings that has now formed. Friedrich swiped at him but Wolfy dodged and used the newly found room to fly up into the air. He quickly put his helmet on and turned on its functions. He soon found his weapons and with a quick push he began to fly towards them. As he did he could hear the alarms of the base as well as the screams of ship girls quickly followed by the sound and lights of AA fire. He soon came to the location and he dove through the roof. He soon spotted his guns and he quickly grabbed them before blasting off again.

Wolfy: Well that was easy.

As he says that he noticed multiple formations of fighter planes where coming towards him and he quickly leveled his riggings before releasing a barrage of lasers, obliterating the entire formation.

Wolfy quickly then began to fly off towards the port however he was cutoff by a paper plane and he soon spotted Akagi and Kaga floating near his left side. He was shocked but he quickly narrowed his eyes with remembrance.

Akagi: Going so soon?

Wolfy: Yes, now get out of my way.

Wolfy raised his blaster rifle however just when he was about to pull the trigger he heard a voice inside his head.

Amagi: Please, don't hurt my sister.

He was confused however he ignored the voice and shot at Akagi, the blue bolt striking Akagi's rigging. A deep blue hole was created as Kaga lunged planes at Wolfy. Wolfy quickly dispatched them with a barrage of laser and cocked his fist back. He was beyond pissed. Something in his head just wanted them to suffer. Wanted them to pay for trying to deceive him. To pay for making him turn on his allies. Wanting to make them pay with blood. He quickly contacted Kaga's shoulder and sent the white fox rocketing to the ground. He then turned towards Akagi who gave him a hit to the head but he simply replied with a punch to her stomach, sending her into the ocean with a plume of water. As he turned to get away he saw more planes coming towards him and he blasts them again. Each time a plane goes down he could feel his heart pounding as he felt his muscles become hot. Again he heard a Amagi's voice, only this time with tears clogging her throat.

???:'s not worth it.....

He didn't listen and took out another formation of planes, he then spotted Akagi slowly getting up from the water. Her eyes soon found his as he turned his attention towards her. Again, Amagi's voice was heard however he couldn't hear it before it suddenly cuts out as if someone cut out a radio. He quickly closed the distance between him and Akagi, pinning her down with one hand while the other held his viproblade in a striking position. Akagi's eyes where wide as Wolfy begun to feel his hand slowly crushing Akagi's windpipe on its own. He could hear the panic of what he assumed was Kaga on the shore as well as many other ship girls trying to yell for help.


Wolfy spatted at her words as he looked at Akagi's eyes. He felt his focus being centered on Akagi, his concentration on her pain.

Wolfy: There is no destiny. There is no god.

He quickly flipped his knife into a reverse position as he raised his arm. His eyes suddenly turning into a bright yellow that burns with rage.

Wolfy: And for you......there is no victory.

He begun to swing his arm down, Akagi closed her eyes anticipating for a cold end however a sudden force hit Wolfy off Akagi. His helmet also came off, revealing his cold yellow eyes as he looked back at the person who hit him. He soon spotted the absolutely ginormous rigging of Friedrich along with the smaller forms of Ayanami and Z23 at her side.

Ayanami: Are you ok Akagi?

Z23: Please get behind us.

Akagi nodded and coughed up blood. Wolfy's hand print an angry red on Akagi's neck. Wolfy looked at the four in front of him. His body wanted to tear every single one of the into shreds. Into nothing but burnt crisps on the ocean. However he soon realizes he couldn't move. It was as if someone was holding him back. Something just locking his body in place.

Wolfy was confused. Everything in his body again tried to lunge forwards, however nothing wanted to move. Then he heard another voice, this one of a person he didn't recognize immediately.

???: Your emotions are clouding your judgment.

Wolfy couldn't pick out who the voice was however he began to feel a sense of calm suddenly wash over him. His muscles began to relax as his eyes turned back to their natural dark brown  color. He soon noticed a change in both Ayanami and Z23, both also seem to relax hand Wolfy soon took advantage of this. With lighting speed he picked up his helmet and began to fly off, putting all the adrenaline he had left over into his thrusters as he began to blast off away from the island. However as he put distance between him and the Crimson Axis he couldn't help but wonder who that voice was and......why did he sound so familiar?

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