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Third Person POV

A plane buzzed in the sky as it passed by a large, ruined city. It circled around the ruins twice before returning back the way it came. However once it did a small head popped out of the rubble of a building . A small beep is heard as Wolfy scanned the air space before quickly ducked back in.

Wolfy: It's gone.

Sheffield: Good.

Wolfy quickly hopped down from his perch as Sheffield lowered her anti air guns. Edinburgh quickly appeared with the briefcase and a radio with a long device attached to it.

Sheffield: Any news from our enemies?

Edinburgh: Well, Iron Blood sent a force here, however they won't be here for another hour.

Sheffield shook her head and looked down at her riggings weapons.

Sheffield: They are fast.

Wolfy: What about reinforcements?

Edinburgh: Belfast confirmed that a rescue force is being sent, however we don't know the exact time they will be arriving.

Wolfy: Ok.

Sheffield: Did she say if there is a signal to watch for?

Edinburgh: She says that a force will set a distraction with planes and cannon fire while a small team will help lead us out.

Wolfy: Can we fight?

Sheffield: No.

Wolfy: Awwww....

Sheffield gave Wolfy a small shake of the head before turning around and sailing to her watch post again. Edinburgh pat his head before also returning to her recon spot as Wolfy flew up and set himself on top of his perch.

Wolfy (thought): No fight, no fun.

He sighed as he began to scan the surrounding ocean and skies. The surrounding fog was both a blessing and a curse, as it blocks the enemies view but also his own. quiet......I dislike it.....

Wolfy (thought): Plo Koon would be proud I didn't say the word hate. Wait, I said it. Dang it!

Wolfy mumbled a few incoherent words before looking up. Suddenly he saw a flash of light, quickly followed by the roar of what he assumed was battle ship guns. He quickly pressed his radio and cleared his throat.

Wolfy: Well, I guess they're here.

Sheffield: I see them too.

Suddenly Wolfy heard what seem to be a drone and he quickly turned to see a plane with a large red circle on its wings right above him.

Wolfy: Contact!

He quickly raised his AA batteries and blew the plane out of the sky, however he could see some shapes beginning to come closer to the building and he quickly jumped down. He landed near Sheffield who began to war off the other incoming planes as Edinburgh met up with them, briefcase in hand.

Edinburgh: What now?!

Sheffield: Follow me.

The trio quickly made their way through the ruins of the city dodging planes as they attempt to strafe and bomb them.

Sheffield: On your left.

Wolfy looked left and quickly shot a plane into a building however soon a shell came out of the smoke and Wolfy barely dodged it.

Wolfy: Company?

Sheffield: Yes.

The smoke cleared to reveal Prinz Eugen, Z23, Ayanami, some Iron Blood ships covered by the fog, and a Sakura Empire ship.

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