Meeting Azur Lane

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Wolfy POV

I moved my right leg and sure enough my rigging moved in the right direction. Akashi gave a sigh as she wiped the sweat off her head.

Akashi: Why is this so much harder than the other riggings? nya~

Me: I don't know, but thank you very much Akashi.

Akashi: No problem. nya~

I began to walk out the shop when I saw Cleveland leaning against the wall. She than looked up at me and quickly ran up to me with a smile.

Cleveland: Hey Wolfy!

Me: Hello.

Cleveland: I got something to show you before your presentation in front of the fleet.

Me: Uhm ok.

Cleveland: Great!

She quickly took my hand and I soon found myself flying behind her. I grabbed my helmet and held it down as she ran towards a large building with a huge red cross in the front. She soon slowed down and I felt my feet touch the ground as we went through the hallways.

Me: What's the rush?

Cleveland: Well you've met most of my sisters, so I decide you should get to know all of them.

Me: Ok.

We came up to a door and she quietly knocked on it as I took off my helmet.

???: Come in.

I came into the room behind Cleveland and saw a girl with pink hair and a plus sign necklace around her, well neck.

I came into the room behind Cleveland and saw a girl with pink hair and a plus sign necklace around her, well neck

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Next to her was a bed with a girl sitting up in it who gave me a strange look.

Next to her was a bed with a girl sitting up in it who gave me a strange look

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Cleveland: Hey Vestal, how is sis doing?

Vestal: She is recovering well and should be at a full recovery in two days. But......who is she?

Me: Really?

???: Wow Clevebro, you have competition.

Cleveland: Stop calling me Clevebro! And also he isn't a girl.

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