Time Off pt.1

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Third Person POV

The sun begins to peak through the curtain however Wolfy was already up. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, head in his hands.

Wolfy: What happened?

His mind has not left the memory of the last battle. The fact that his body just froze was terrifying to him. All he could think about is how it happened. It was just like that battle, on the red planet. His very last one before coming here.

A loud beep quickly snapped him out of his trance and he quickly picked up his helmet.

Wolfy: *sigh* well mopping here is not going to help. Let's see if the firing range is open.

He slipped on his helmet before grabbing all his gear for morning training. However as he opened the door he noticed Little Bel was standing in the door way. Her posture gave off  a calm gesture however a shadow covered her eyes says the contrary.

Wolfy: Uhm....good morning?

Little Bel: It seems like I must force you just like my older self.


Suddenly Little Bel grabbed Wolfy's arm and began to pull him again before he was even able to close his door. He soon found himself outside the barracks and inside what seems to be a square. He soon spotted Akashi's shop and in front of it where Laffey, Javelin, Unicorn, and two other ships that Wolfy have never seen before. Javelin soon spotted them and gave them a wave.

Javelin: Hey Lil Bel! Hi Wolfy!

Little Bell stopped and gave Javelin a curtsey, however did not let go of Wolfy's arm as he tried to get away again.

Wolfy: Bel, please let go I have training.

Little Bel: As my older self once said, you must learn how to live before you can fight.

Wolfy: Well I was born to fight, so if you can let me g-

???: So, he's the Wolfy you all are talking about?

Wolfy looked up and saw the girl who spoke, and with the sun rising he got a better look at who she was

Wolfy looked up and saw the girl who spoke, and with the sun rising he got a better look at who she was

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Wolfy: Hood?

Hoody: Well, the fleet named me Hoody. But yes I am HMS Hood, the pride of the Royal Navy.

Hoody gave a small, elegant bow before smiling once she stood up again. Wolfy gave her a small nod before Little Bel coughed to get his attention.

Wolfy: Yes Bel?

Little Bel: So now that we are here, we shall begin todays schedule.

Wolfy: Great! I have training in a few minutes so I will see you late-

Hoody quickly grabbed him by the wrist and gave him a small wink.

Hoody: You know its rude to leave when the party hasn't even started.

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