Special Chapter 1

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Hey guys, this is the author. I will write some of these chapters in between my actual story as sort of a side story. Hope you enjoy!

Third Person POV

The sun shined on the newly reunited Azur Lane base. The white marble of the central fountain glowed as Wolfy flipped another coin into the coin well. He has been there for an hour, waiting for his friends to join him in a day that promised many new memories to be made however they haven't shown up yet. As he dug his hand into his pocket for another coin he suddenly heard the sound of oncoming footsteps and turned around to see Javelin and Laffey walking towards him with a large smile on both of their faces.

Wolfy: Hey Javelin, hello Laffey.

Javelin: Hey Wolfy, sorry for keeping you waiting. Laffey was having trouble getting up.

Wolfy: Of course...

Laffey: Laffey thirsty.....

Wolfy: Oh, I have a bottle of water right her-

Javelin: No need!

Wolfy looked up at Javelin with a confused look however Javelin quickly took his arm and lead him and Laffey to the mess hall. The three soon arrived and Wolfy soon spotted Z23 and Ayanami along with Unicorn to the side of the table.

Wolfy: Uh, hi guys!

Ayanami: Good morning.

Z23: Javelin! You can't just drag people into the mess hall!

Javelin: Sorry, but Laffey was thirsty.

Laffey: Can we drink lemonade now?

Wolfy's eyes widened as the rest of the ship girls cheered.

Unicorn: Mrs. Nevada's fresh lemonade is the best!

Javelin: Yeah!

Z23: Oh, that reminds me. Wolfy hasn't tried the lemonade yet right?

Wolfy soon began to sweat as the ship girls all turned their heads towards him. His excitement for the day quickly drained as he began to try and make an excuse as a scared smile crept on his face.

Wolfy: W-Well no, but I think I'll just have a water.

The ship girls were shocked at his statement however Javelin quickly ran over to the counter and came back with a tray containing six red silo cups full of what Wolfy guessed was lemonade.

Z23: Well its ok to feel uncomfortable about trying new things. But you have to push through those fears in order to truly enjoy life.

Javelin: Yeah, besides Nevada uses real lemons so you don't have to worry about your health.

Wolfy (thought): Oh no.

Wolfy: Maybe I can pass, after all you five might want seconds.

Ayanami: Wolfy is stalling.

Both Wolfy and the other ship girls looked at Ayanami in shock however Ayanami looked at Wolfy with a glint in her eyes.

Wolfy (thought): Quick, play it off.

Wolfy: Whaaaat? No...

Wolfy (thought): Well that was sh*t

Javelin: Actually, now that Ayanami says it you are stalling a bit...

Unicorn: Does Wolfy not like lemonade?

Wolfy: Well. Uhm....

Wolfy (thought): Crap, I'm cracking under pressure. This isn't good or like me at all.

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