9 - im sorry

382 9 0

I had pronunciation class and I wasn't even late. I got into the classroom at five past nine am and class started at 9:15 or something, I didn't really remember.

I felt bad for before when I was so harsh to Louis because he actually didn't do anything wrong.

Class was kinda boring. We just tried to act out some lines while people from another country, like me, were supposed to hide their accent as good as possible.

It was pretty easy to me but still a nice exercise to do.

I didn't talk to Louis since we were in the library because I was in all the classes and I also didn't see him in the hallway during breaks.

Hours passed and at 11:45 am school ended.

I took the bus home and ate lunch with my family.
We all talked a little about how everyone's day was and I just said that it was okay.

After eating I helped my mom do the dishes and then I went to my room to do some homework. It was Monday and I needed to write an essay for Friday so I got to my desk and pulled out my laptop from my bag.

I had just started typing and heard the notification sound from my phone.
At first I ignored it but then it kept going on and on. It got annoying so I decided to check it.

„Damn who is spamming me now?!" I said to myself, walking towards my bed to get my phone from there.

I looked at the lockscreen and saw that I got 5 text messages from Louis so I opened them.


hey y/n im sorry
please tell me if i did something wrong
i feel horrible
are you there? please answer
you can talk to me

oh sorry I was writing my essay
uhm I think I kinda overreacted today
please don't feel bad bc u literally did everything perfect
thanks again, for everything

oh my god
im so glad you responded
i thought something
happened or you hated me

how could I ever hate you?

good to hear
I didn't want to bother you
while you were doing
homework, sorry I'll shut up
for a little bit now 😭

Louis!! literally stop excusing
yourself all the time!
don't cry poor Louis😭
bye gtg but you can call me

k fine i'll call you😘

*end of texts*

I continued writing my essay but didn't finish it. I didn't have good ideas because the only thing on my mind was Louis.
Lucky me that I still had the week to finish it.

It was around four pm when I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to Ava to keep her a little bit of company. We played 'memory' and some other games.

Most of the time I let her win because I'm a good sister of course.

My phone rang, Louis facetimed me and I decided to stay in the living room with Ava.

Louis🌟 would like to facetime...


I picked up and got greeted with the biggest smile on Louis' face.

„Hey, how are you?" I asked.

„Is this your boyfriend?" Ava whispered and grinned but Louis and I could still hear it and we both blushed and giggled.

„Im fine, thanks how about you? And who is that with you?" he said curiously.

„oh yeah, right...this is my little sister Ava.
Ava, this is Louis. And thanks, I'm good."
Ava waved her small hand at him.

„Aww, she's cute. You guys do very much look alike" he smiled.

„Did you just indirectly call me cute?"
I asked playfully and grinned.

„mhmm maybe.. but you already know that I think you're cute" he smirked and I blushed again.

„so uhm...have you read the email about Enola Holmes?" he continued.

„no uhh, I don't think so, no not yet...what is it about?" I questioned tilting my head.

„It says that we start filming in a week!" Louis explained

„What? Oh my- that's crazy...I still can't believe it!"

„Yeah me neither but I am very excited"

„I only have one question.." I started „does school allow us to be absent for uhmm...I don't even know how long!? Like we are gonna miss a lot of lessons.."

„You're right but they said something like it's a great experience and we can learn how to actually use the things that we've learnt so far but also learn a lot of new things on set and while filming." Louis explained.

„Yeah, that's definitely true" I responded.

We talked a little more about all different stuff but then I had to go eat dinner and I was just so tired that when I got into my room I immediately fell onto my bed and fell asleep.


author's note - yeh iz me again🙄

heyooo ik this chapter is kinda short but I think I'll write the next one(s) now and I have some ideas so stay tuned bc some nice sh1t is gonna happen😃💃🏼

byebye love yall, take care <3

ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑 - louis partridge x readerWhere stories live. Discover now