12 - magnets

371 14 13

warning: swearing & blood mentioning

(louis' pov:)

I looked into Y/n's dreamy eyes. They were shining bright like crazy in this light and started to water.

"I don't wanna loose you...you're the best thing that has ever happend to me." I said, crying a little and staring at her lips.
"no please! you can't leave me now" she cried and I kissed her.

As our lips connected I could feel the sparks and electricity between us. It felt like fireworks in my heart, dopamine rushing through my veins.
All these 'happy hormones' made me feel giddy and euphoric.

The kiss was soft but still so full of love and passion. Her tender lips slowly separated from mine and we locked eyes. Another tear rolled down her cheek and we slowly moved further away from each other.
And then: silence.

Pure silence.

„Cut! Okay thank you, that was perfect. It's a wrap! " Harry, the director said smiling. „It's already 5 pm, you guys did a great job today, you're dismissed. See you next week, have a great weekend!"

„Thanks Harry, you too. Bye" Y/n said politely and smiling at the crew. „Yeah bye guys" I said quickly and hurried towards my trailer to get my things.

We've been filming for one month now and being on set and spending time with Y/n was really amazing. Today we filmed a lot of scenes but there was one that I couldn't get out of my mind: the kissing scene.

I wasn't feeling very well after it. Not that I was sick or something, basically I just felt kind of uncomfortable after that whole kissing scene and it was hard to pretend it was all just acting.

I mean...It was amazing, obviously...but nevertheless it made me feel kinda weird.

I wanted it to be real. Like real real, you know?

Y/n must have noticed my agitation and ran after me, trying to keep up with me but my legs are just longer than hers. "Louis" I heard her say, she sounded kind of annoyed. "Wait! Why are you going so fast?" she questioned. I turned around to face her and she was tilting her head to the side.

We arrived at my trailer and I stopped in front of it, Y/n standing directly in front of me, our eyes met.

I just couldn't hold it in anymore. "Y/n, listen I need to tell you something" I said quickly. She smiled and said "today was a good day. Everything was great on set, wasn't it?" her eyes lit up with excitement.

Was she thinking about the kissing scene? Because I was. I couldn't get it out of my head. I was hoping to kiss her for ... - I don't even know how long. But what I do know, is that there is a special connection between us, since the day we met on that plane.

We've known each other for quite a long time now and we were some sort of best friends.
I always felt more for her though, the thing is that I never knew how to tell her.

So I am standing here now, trying not to die out of fear.
Okay, here we go. Just going for it. Telling her how I feel. Fuck I'm so scared.

"yes yes it was a good day and everything was great but I really want to tell you something" I said with a nervous tone in my voice.

ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑 - louis partridge x readerWhere stories live. Discover now