13 - darling

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I hope you're enjoying this story!

(your pov):

I walked out of Louis' trailer, him following right behind me and we walked to my trailer so I quickly could get my stuff.

I saw my mom waiting for us in the car, she was going to drive us home. I opened the door to the passenger seat, greeted my mother and placed my bag on the seat. Then I opened the back door and showed Louis to the door on the other side of the car, indicating him to get into the car.

„Hi guys! how did it go?" my mom asked.
I looked at Louis, the both of us knowing exactly what happened but I didn't want to tell my mom immediately. Neither about the kiss nor the 'situation' with Luke.

"uh... it went great.." I started and my mom turned on the engine.
Louis agreed and said "mhm, yes it was really nice on set today." He looked at me and smirked.

"Well that's awesome! Did something special happen? You guys seem so excited.." my mom replied smirking.

'Gosh, it's pointless to hide it from her, she would find out anyways sooner or later.' I thought to myself.

"Actually there was a kiss in the script and we filmed that scene today" I blurted out and my mom looked back at us, her mouth froming an 'O'. I decided not to tell her about our 'real' kiss yet.

"Mom!! Eyes on the road, please!" I admonished her. "Oh yeah, sorry, right. Uhm, anyways how did it feel?" she asked curiously and I could hear her and Louis giggle a little. "Mom! We're not in fucking therapy here, are we?!" I got slightly annoyed. "Language, young lady!!" my mom said and I just rolled my eyes.

During the ride I shared a few glances with Louis and we had some low-key awkward eye contact. I'm not sure if I was just hallucinating but it seemed like he was staring at my lips. lol.

We arrived in front of Louis' house and as he got out of the car he said goodbye, showed me to call him (like this: 🤙 yk) and winked at me. I giggled and could feel my cheeks heating up.

We arrived at our house and I went to my room to call Madison to catch up a little and tell her about the kiss.

I went to her contact and called her. It was ringing. I nervously played with my hair. I couldn't wait to hear my best friend's voice again.

Madison picked up and dryly greeted me "oh hey, Y/n". I heard her telling some people to shush or something. Was she hiding something from me?

"Hi, Mads!" I said excited but also a bit confused. "How are you?" I asked, trying to start a proper conversation.

"I'm fine, thanks..how 'bout you?" she asked in hurry. I wanted to answer and tell her everything but as soon as I opened my mouth she said "I'm so sorry y/n/n but I gotta go now" I frowned and said "okay, well then maybe text me?" but she had already hung up. I honestly didn't know what to think. Is she trying to avoid me? If yes, why? I don't get it.

Then I called Louis on FaceTime , hoping that at least he would talk to me.
He immediately picked up, like he desperately was waiting for me to call him, and I was greeted with the biggest smile on his face. "Hey darling" he said, laying on his bed.

"Ohh, 'darling'?" I asked whereupon he said proudly "yeah, 'cause you're my darling, you know?" I laughed "you're just saying that". "No I'm for real. Anyways I was thinking about playing some piano.
"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you or something" I said. "No no, you're not. I meant I could play something for you." Louis replied. "Ohh okay, yeah that would be lovely." I said smiling like a child.

Louis got up from his bed and went to another room, I assumed that there was the piano and I was right. He placed the phone in front of him and started playing "Nuvole Bianche". Wow. He's so good.

I noticed all the feelings and emotions he put into playing. It sounded amazing and was so calming. I just looked at my phone screen and listened carefully to the boy playing the keys. It seemed like there was a story going with the music
I was overwhelmed, he's so talented and I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was so concentrated and a sweet smirk formed on his lips as he finished playing.

Gosh, I could watch him play the piano all day long. It's fascinating.

He looked at the phone, me still looking shocked. "What?" he asked giggling.
I snapped back to reality and smiled at Louis. "Uh, nothing..it's just so calming to watch you play. You're so talented!"
"Thanks, well I practice a lot so I sure do hope it doesn't sound too bad." he laughed. „It doesn't sound bad at all!" I reassured him and laughed too. We held eye contact and it felt magical.

"You know what Maria Cristina Mena said?" Louis asked. I looked confused and said "no, tell me."
"The piano keys are black and white, but they sound like a million colors in your mind." he answered. "mhm, yeah, they do." I nodded smiling.

„Y/n!!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. Ugh. "Can you come to the kitchen, please?" she asked. I went downstairs with my phone in my hand and made my way to the kitchen, where my mom was preparing some food.

"hi honey, can you help me prepare dinner?" she asked, turning around to see me leaning on the kitchen isle. "okay, sure" I said.
"are you on a call?" my mom asked, handing me some carrots to peel. "Yeah, it's Louis. You can say hi if you want" I showed her the screen and Louis waved at my mom, saying "hi Mrs. Y/l/n. thanks again for the ride home today" he smiled.
"No problem, Louis!" my mom replied smiling too. "okay I need to help my mom now, talk to you later?" I said and Louis replied "sure, bye Y/n" "bye Louis" I slightly bit my lip and with that I hung up.

I shoved my phone into my pocket and started helping my mom. We chatted a little bit and then my family and I ate dinner. We talked about some random stuff and after we cleaned the table we decided to watch a movie together.

I was sitting on the sofa, my little sister Ava next to me, the both of us totally into the movie until my phone chimed.
"Y/n! Turn your phone on silent mode!" Ava hit my arm and gave me a mad look.
"Ow! Don't hit me, Ava" I replied and looked at my lock screen.

2 Messages

Ugh, I thought I blocked him. I decided to ignore him and continued watching the movie.

After watching the movie I went to the bathroom to get ready for the night.
I laid in my bed and scrolled through my camera roll a little bit. I looked at some photos of me and Louis and couldn't stop smiling. All of a sudden I saw a text from Louis.


goodnight darling❤️

goodnight Louis❤️

I placed my phone on the bedside table and fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face.

(1299 words)

author's note:
I finally updated!!🤗🧘🏼‍♀️

I love watching Louis play the piano. and that's a fact.

k bye love yall💓

don't forget to

ℎ𝑦𝑝𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑 - louis partridge x readerWhere stories live. Discover now