Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 


Knock, knock, knock!

The knocks broke the resting Maharaja from his chain of thoughts. He paused, the raisin halfway to his mouth.

"Who is it?"

"Maharaja, would you like some... sweets?"

Instead of dismissing the servant, his head lifted in interest at what seemed like an ordinary, polite question one would ask his king.

He put it down and slowly rose to his feet, rolling his almost terrifyingly broad shoulders. He walked to the door, placed a fist on the right side, rested his forehead on the smooth surface, and asked, "What kind?"

"...Sandesh, Maharaja,"

"Ah, my favorite. What flavor?"

"None specific, Maharaja."

He pulled back, hands clasping behind his back.  "Yes, sounds good."

"When would you like to have them, my king?"

"Now would be alright."

"Yes, my king." 

His eyebrows narrowed as he heard the footsteps grow fainter and fainter until they were no more to his ears.

Who would want to approach me with a private message? No, it couldn't be Raja Maalav. He had sent a messenger just yesterday. It cannot be the time of war for there is no smoke whatsoever.

He pulled on a silk shawl to drape around his arms as he absent-mindedly walked towards the back of his chamber. He stopped in front of a statue of an apsara and turned the bangle on her right hand.

The wall before him slid to the side revealing a dark opening. The king grabbed a torch and slipped into the tunnel. He reached the other end of it, a huge underground hall reeking of evil. The 'underworld', or Patal Loka, as it was called and feared by many. It was where the king tortured his opposers, where he laid out his evil plans, where he received secret information, and his lair where he was the Yamaraja.

A timid messenger stood there, awkwardly in a corner, looking around. He started visibly shivering at the silhouette of the Maharaja as he walked up to his throne with a powerful stance. It felt as if the devil himself had arrived.

"Y-Your Maj-jesty, on behalf of a certain s-sender, I offer you my g-g-greetings. The p-person has sent- this letter to you, Maharaja," the man gabbled, bowing quickly.

He studied the messenger's clothes. Vaibhavgarh? That's the kingdom she is from. His teeth clenched, memories of his humiliating visit flashing by. He motioned the commander to give him the letter. The commander nodded, snatched the letter out of his hand, and presented it to him.

"Who has sent it?" the King demanded, his voice a growl that shook the poor fellow to his bones.

"M-maharaja, it w-was, Rajkumari R-ru-roopvalli," he replied, eyes downcast, afraid to behold the gaze of the creature before him. The Maharaja's eyes skimmed over the contents of the piece of paper and turned towards the messenger, tossing the letter aside carelessly. A servant in the corner of the room fumbled for it as he steadied himself.

"Interesting, tell her she is expected here tomorrow before noon, sharp. And be sure to tell her that she got lucky enough to get an audience with me. Also importantly," he leaned forward. "-that she should use this visit wisely, as she won't be getting another chance."

✓ Fearless - Book 1 of The Rajkumari TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now