Chapter 18

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*deep inhale* I'm back. For now...

Hi. Sorry for the long absences. I got married, got a job, and got a puppy. All in a few months. It's been a wild ride. Enough about me though.

I know a lot of people want me to continue this, but I am in the middle of a huge writing project, not related to PER... that being said, I have a ton of chapters done, but idk where to go after them. I don't want to drag on this story, but I also want to let you guys enjoy it. 🤷‍♀️ I may just publish all the edited parts and write and publish when I can. Let me know what y'all think!



Levi didn't sleep at all that night. And he struggled through class the next day. Erwin noticed and pulled him aside afterwards.

"You okay?" He asked as they walked to his office.

"I'll be fine." Levi said as Erwin unlocked the door. Levi collapsed in the chair. No sooner had he done so than his phone went off.

Kenny: I'm here.

Levi stood and put on his backpack.

"Good luck!" Erwin said.

"Thanks." Levi said as he walked through the door. Levi made his way to the front of the building where a crowd of college students had formed around a black Rolls Royce Phantom. Inside, Kenny was taking selfies with students and signing autographs. He was dressed flashy in his own line with black mirrored sunglasses. Levi fought his way through the crowd and into the car.

"Heya kid." Kenny said, ruffling Levi's hair.

"Hey Kenny." Levi grumbled.

"Don't act so happy to see me, silly." Kenny said, pulling away from the curb. The interior of the car screamed luxury. It was all maroon and black with detailed roses on the paneling. Levi hated the man but he had good taste in pretty much everything. Levi directed them to the small cafe and Kenny parked out front. They got out, every eye on them, as they made their way inside. Levi used to order the most expensive foods when they were together to spite the man, but Kenny actually seemed to enjoy when he did, so Levi ditched that effort. They ordered and found a table. Kenny took off his sunglasses.

"I looked up that girl, Donna Hall I believe." Kenny said, crossing his legs and looking around. "She's got potential. I had my secretary reach out to her. She has an interview and audition later this week." He looked at Levi who failed to hide a smile.

"Thanks." Levi said.

"Anything for you." Kenny eyed Levi's ripped jeans. "Are those... Levi's?"

"Yeah." Levi said.

"Oh my... by the goddamn Walls Levi!" Kenny said. "I can't be seen with you in those!"

"I'm not wearing your stupid brand name clothes." Levi said.

"And a band shirt? I raised you better than that." Kenny pinched his nose. "Regardless, how have studies been? I haven't seen you since I left for Paris a few months ago."

"They are going well." Levi said.

"Still hell-bent on being a teacher?" Kenny raised an eyebrow.


A woman gave them their food and Levi took a bite of the sandwich. Kenny picked at his salad.

"You have a girlfriend yet?" He asked. Levi froze. He knew the question was coming. He cursed himself for hesitating.

"No." He said, swallowing.

"You hesitated. Who is she?" Kenny put his fork down. He hadn't eaten anything.

"Well... it's Erwin." Levi mumbled. Kenny narrowed his eyes.

"Erwin Smith?" He asked. Levi nodded. "Levi Ackerman!" Kenny thundered, standing. The entire room froze to watch what would happen next. "First I catch you masturbating to men's magazines and now you tell me you are dating that son of a bitch?"

"Kenny, stop." Levi begged.

"No, Levi!" Kenny said, raising his voice even louder. "That man ruined my fucking life! I have done nothing but help you since your mom got sick and this is the thanks I get?" Kenny grabbed his sunglasses off the table and turned to leave. Levi stood and followed him.

"Let's at least talk about this!" Levi said. Kenny reached the door and swung, backhanding Levi across the face.

"Get out if my sight!" And then he was gone. Dressed in his luxury clothes he put on his luxury sunglasses and got in his luxury car, speeding away. Levi was trembling, hands clenched into fists at his side as everyone continued to stare.


Erwin walked to his office after his second and, thankfully, last class. He rounded the corner and stopped. Levi sat with his back to the office door, face in hands, sobbing. His backpack was beside him.

"Levi, my god. Are you okay?" Erwin knelt down beside him. Levi shook his head. "Come on, let's get you inside." Erwin grabbed Levi's backpack and helped the smaller man to his feet. Erwin managed to get them both inside and shut the door before Levi collapsed into his arms. Erwin gently set his backpack down and sank to the floor, Levi sobbing into his lap. Erwin pet his hair. Every instinct told Erwin to ask what was wrong, but he pushed it down. Levi needed comfort right now.

So that's what Erwin did. He ran his fingers through Levi's raven locks as the man was wracked by sobs. They seized his small frame and violently overtook it, causing him to cry, choke, regain his breath, cry, and so on until eventually the sobbing subsided and all that was left were the broken pieces of a delicate man.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Erwin asked gently as Levi sat up, wiping his face.

"I told Kenny about us." Levi said. "He exploded on me. He... he hit me." Levi said. Erwin felt his rage bubble to the surface.

"He did what?" Erwin growled and stood.

"Where are you going?" Levi asked.

"Where does he live?" Erwin snarled, looking down at Levi, and hate dripping from every pore. "I'll teach that sick son of a bitch to lay hands on you."

"Erwin, please." Levi begged, grabbing Erwin's pants leg. And all at once Erwin was calm. He berated himself for acting like such an idiot. Levi needed him and he was going to leave him. Erwin sank to his knees.

"Forgive me." He said, stroking Levi's still red cheek.

"I do." Levi said, gazing up at him.

"Do you want to come to my house?" Erwin asked. Levi nodded. Erwin packed his stuff and they left, walking off campus to Erwin's house. Once he closed the door, Levi was on him. Levi shoved him against the door and pulled him into a rough kiss that made Erwin squirm in excitement.

"Levi, what are you-?"

"I need you to fuck me." Levi said, out of breath from the kiss.

"What?" Erwin was perplexed. What did Levi want...?

"Fuck me." Levi begged.

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