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"You heard me. I missed you Norman..."

Suga laughed a bit "What do you mean Hinata? Who's Norman? I'm Suga!"

"Don't lie to me I know it's you!"

Koushi fell silent.

"I abandoned that name, how did you-"

"Wait. Emma!?"

Shoyo chuckled "Yeah um.. surprise? I'm a guy now?"

Koushi tackled Shoyo to the ground, hugging him tightly.

He could feel the happy tears form in his eyes.

"I missed you so much..." he whispered in Hinata's ear.

He giggled "Missed ya too"

"I never thought I'd see you again"

"You're gonna suffocate me Norman-"

"Um actually is it okay if you don't call me Norman? I abandoned that name and I'm more used to Koushi now... and I guess we can be on first name basis now"

Shoyo giggled again "Yeah that's fine, you can call me Shoyo"

"Suga? Hinata? You've been in here for a whi-"

They looked at the person that entered.

"O-Oh Tanaka. Go back to the gym we'll be there soon"

Tanaka nodded, leaving the club room, visible confusion on his face.

Suga laughed "We should go"

He got up and reached out a hand to help the first year up.

"Uh you're crying..." Shoyo pointed out to Suga.

Suga laughed again and wiped his tears "You are too"

"Do you think we'll ever find Ray?" Hinata asked

"I hope..."

Shoyo grinned "You like him, don't you? Like in a lovey dovey way?~"

Koushi's whole face went red "M-Maybe..."

"Ha! I knew it! If I ever see Gilda again she owes me food!"

"L-Let's just g-go back to the g-gym, they're w-waiting..."

Hinata laughed "You're so red right now!"

"I-I'm n-not!" Suga squeaked.

The shorter grabbed Koushi's wrist and dragged him out of the club room "I'm just teasing!"

Suga rolled his eyes "Yeah, yeah"

"...hey, Shoyo?"


"I missed you.... I hope we find Ray one day..."

"We will! Don't worry!"

Koushi couldn't not worry.



Next chapter will be Kuroo/Ray's pov don't worry I didn't forget about him.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍 - 𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘬𝘺𝘶𝘶 𝘵𝘱𝘯 𝘢𝘶Where stories live. Discover now