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"Why are we doing this again?" Kris glanced at her twin.

"Because, the neighborhood we live in? We gotta learn to defend ourselves." Tory shoved the brown haired girl a little bit.

You heard me right, Kris is the twin of Tory Nichols, also known as Kristen Nichols, but if you call her Kristen she might have to punch you in the nose. The thing about the two twins is they couldn't be more than polar opposites. While Tory was outgoing and brave, Kris was quiet and liked to stay out of drama. The two still were best friends, as Kris made sure Tory never got into too much trouble and Tory helped Kris live a little bit. There was also their looks, like Kris had dark, almost black hair from their dad, Tory had light brown hair that was once dyed blonde once ago but grew out sense. Tory was taller by three inches and had blue eyes, while Kris had hazel. The two looked nothing alike, nor did they act alike, and yet they got along better than anyone.

That's why Tory was dragging Kris to this karate dojo.

"T, we took that kick boxing class!" Kris defended, wanting nothing more than to go home and binge supernatural while she waited for her brother to come home from his friends.

"This will be fun, K. Their prices have lowered since last I checked, and they won the All Valley Tournament. Look first session is free, if we don't like it we can leave and never come back." Tory looked at her sister with pleading eyes. Kris always gave in, of course she did she wanted nothing more than to make her sister happy the same way she did her.

"One class." Tory cheered in joy and the two ran off so they wouldn't be late. Kris's nerves were acting up but she shoved them down and kept running, knowing she would have her sister if anything went wrong. She wasn't the best at kick-boxing, and even if she wasn't good at this, Tory would kill someone before they hurt her seriously.

The two managed to slip in undetected. Nobody glanced their way or even remotely paid them any mind. It made Kris happy. Glancing around the room, Kris took in the students. She managed to catch the all valley champ, on the floor stretching while listening to one of the sensei's. Another two students stood in front of him, the only girl in Cobra Kai, and a boy with a blue Mohawk. Kris admired it for a few moments, liking the style. She glanced down to his face, which she could only see the left side and his side profile but he was actually kind of hot.

"Everybody fall in." There was the official Sensei from the website, Johnny Lawrence. He didn't look to be in a good mood. "In neat rows and lines." Tory wanted to go to the front, but stayed in the back knowing her sister wanted that. They all lined up, waiting on further instruction. Surprisingly, nobody noticed them still. "Time to see what you're made of."

Anxiety bubbled inside Kris, she was completely convinced she was going to fail even if this wasn't a test. Sensei Lawrence began to walk down the first row, checking out his new and old students. He corrected a few red haired boys posture and then noticed a man in his 20's waiting in a row.

"Sorry parents can't stay for class." Sensei Lawrence stood in front of him. "Its an insurance thing."

"Oh I'm not a dad. I am here to kick some ass, sir!" Kris and Tory exchanged looks at those words. The two then started talking lowly, so neither girl could hear. But they did see the older dude pull out money from his front pocket and hand it to Sensei Lawrence. Kris couldn't help but wonder what she had just gotten herself into. Sensei walked back up to the front.

"I thought my last group of recruits were pathetic. But if you do what I tell you to do, you'll at least have a chance of becoming a fighter. But to do that, you gotta fight. So, which one of you has the balls to take on the champ?"

Everyone either looked down or avoided eye contact. Kris glanced at her sister in worry before looking back at Miguel, the champ. The older man started to talk but was interupted.

"I'll take him on." Kris looked next to her in disbelief as her sister spoke up.

"Tory-" She was shut down by her sister with a look.

"Oh you will, huh? Seems your pet is a little worried about you." Kris snapped her head towards the man in anger. She would not be called a pet. Especially not Tory's pet.

"I saw your little demo at Valley Fest. You guys can put on a show. Can you actually fight?" Kris felt like punching her sister. This was suppose to be a harmless class where they stand in the back and don't talk at all, don't interact, and don't participate individually. Instead, Tory was putting herself on the mat with a man who beat everyone in the All Valley and won.

"That sounds like a challenge." Somehow Sensei made it directly in front of the half blonde, and was now staring into her eyes.

"I like a challenge."

Sensei started at her for a few moments longer, before turning around and walking back to the front. "Mr. Diaz, show Little Miss Hotshot here what Cobra Kai is all about."

The students moved to line up against the edge of the mat and Kris followed, somehow ending up next to the other girl, and the dude with the mohawk.

"You like a challenge do you? Well I challenge to kick your ass when we get home." Kris mumbled in irritation to herself. She wasn't as quiet she thought, because the two next to her were forced to try and hold in their laughter.

"Look, are you sure you wanna do-" Tory kicked him in the chest before he could say another word.

"Oh shit, okay maybe I should be worried about him not her." Kris mumbled again as the rest of the class made surprised noises.

"Alright." I guess that was all the confirmation the champ needed, cause he was now ready for a fight.

"Five bucks says she pins him in less than a minute." The girl next to Kris spoke towards Mohawk dude.

"You're on."

"Bruh, let me in on this." Kris spoke up, wanting to bet on her sister. She now realized Tory had the upper hand of the ability of surprise.

"Whos side you on?" Mohawk asked.


The fight started and Kris watched Tory throw swings and kicks only to be dodged just barely. Once when she went to kick, Diaz took her hard to the ground, making Kris wince a little bit. She instantly rolled up, ready for more. More punching and kicking, as Diaz gave her advice, making Kris a little confused. Tory then tackled him to the floor, so Kris smiled in trioph. That was until Miguel took her to the ground again.

"Shit, T. Get the fuck up." Kris mumbled, staring at them in hope. She didn't have $5 and she really needed it. Diaz stood up and held out his hand.

"My names Miguel."

Tory did grab his hand, but ended up flipping him. "Tory." She yanked his arm and put her hand to his face to keep him down. "With a Y."

A small snicker left the brown haired girls lips. Smirking to herself, she watched her sister drop Miguel and walk towards her.

"Damn, okay he was probably going easy on you." Kris teased.

"Bitch please, you could probably take him and I've beat you how many times?" The two high fived.

"Shit I bet on her friend?" Mohawk groaned, realizing the brown haired girl would already know she would win.

"Sister actually."

"Twin actually." Tory corrected. "You bet on me?"

"In your favor obviously. Where's my five?" The boy sighed but walked to his bag, grabbing out his wallet and giving the two girls five. When Kris went to grab hers the two made eye contact.

"Names Hawk."

"Kris," She yanked the bill from his hand, "with an K."

Hawk watched her walk towards her sister, staring at the little con-artist in amazement.

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