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The next few days were off. Hawk tried to contact Kris on multiple occasions but only got short answers and/or left on read. He couldn't figure out what was wrong until he asked Miguel if he had any idea.

"Are you serious dude?" He looked at him like he was stupid. Hawk eyed him weirdly. "You kissed her, to win. You can't do that man."

"It was a spur of the moment thing. I wasn't even planning on kissing her." Hawk tried to defend.

"Either way, in her eyes you did it simply to win. You played with her feelings."

Hawk then figured out what he had done and knew he needed to apologize. Kris didn't show up to a few karate classes, and according to Tory she had personal business to take care of that's why. It was concerning for Hawk, so he eventually just decided to go to her work.

Luckily she was working, and grew nervous when she watched him walk in.

"What are you doing here?" She sighed, setting down the rag she had in her hand from wiping off tables.

"I'm here to eat." Hawk said sarcastically. "You must serve a customer right."

Sighing, Kris grabbed a menu and told him to follow her. He did as told, following behind the girl without hesitation. After he was sat, he stopped her from leaving.

"I know what I want." She nodded as to continue. "Forgiveness."

A heavy sigh left Kris's mouth. She looked down towards the ground and shifted in her boots.

"Look what I did at the Creek was wrong, I shouldn't of done that."

"Damn right you shouldn't of." Kris scoffed.

"It won't happen again, okay? Promise. I just want my best friend back." Kris was hurt by these words, but didn't show it. He really had only kissed her to win. She ignored the aching of her heart and nodded.

"I forgive you." He jumped up out of happiness and hugged her, relieved there was no more weirdness. He didn't notice the gathering tears in her eyes.

"Hey, why did you miss Karate these past couple days?" He pulled away, looking at her confused.

"Uh, my mom. She had a spell and fainted. She's been pretty weak. So I've been taking care of her."

"Tory isn't helping?"

"She does when she's there, gives me a break but she goes to Karate so one of us can come back and teach the other. Since I'm socially awkward, she went." Kris explained.

"Well if there's anything I can do tell me, okay?"

"There's one thing you can do?"


"Spend friday night with me? Tory is going out with Miguel, my brother is having a sleepover, and my mom is cleared to go back to work. I'm gonna be alone all night cause everyone else has plans."

"I'll be there at seven."

Kris was insanely happy, even if he only thought of her as a friend she still had him in the first place. It made her happy.

Friday rolled around and Kris was excited. She shouldn't of been, it was just two friends hanging out but butterflies still swarmed her stomach.

After helping her sister get ready for 80's night at the roller rink, and dropping her brother off at his sleepover, Kris was left alone for only an hour. Hawk would be here at 7.

Even if she did like Hawk, there was no way she was going to put on points of make up and shave everywhere for him. If he didn't like her for the way she was he could kiss off, she was confident at the moment.

At 7:01, there was a knock at the door. Kris got up from the couch, leaving her Cheetos behind to open it. There stood Hawk, who quickly put his hands down from fixing it his hair.

"You're late, H." She laughed, letting him in.

"Sorry, Ma'lady. I took a moment to find this." And with that, he held up something small.

It was a squishmellow, a collection of stuffed animals that Kris was obsessed with. She already owned four, as they were pretty expensive, and in Hawk's hands was a medium sized Lobster one.

"Oh my god! Where did you find this?" Kris gently took it from his hands and stared at it in awe.

"I stopped at the store for some snacks and passed the stuffed animal isle, thought you might like it." Hawk admired the look on her face.

"Thank you, seriously. You didn't have to." She hugged the animal to her chest, letting the soft material soak in.

"I know, it just made me think of you." He shrugged, looking down to avoid her seeing his red cheeks. "Anyway I was thinking I could show you what you missed in Karate."

"Definitely! Tory is not a good teacher." Kris ran off towards the living room, Hawk following. After moving the furniture a bit, the two were ready to fight.

Kris was having the time of her life sparing with Hawk. He was a sore-loser of course, but he managed to brush it off when it came to this.

It wasn't until Hawk accidentally hit his head that Kris started laughing. She couldn't help it, it bent one of his spikes and now it was all messed up, the look on his face when he hit it was hilarious and it made her laugh like crazy. Hawk looked at her in disbelief.

"Are you laughing at me right now?" She nodded, still laughing. "I'll give you a reason to laugh."

He then shot down and started squeezing her sides, more laughter leaving her throat at the ticklish feeling. She squirmed as hard as she could, but Hawk always managed to find a new spot to tickle. Then came where she tried to bat away his hands but he was obviously much stronger than her, leaving her helpless in his hands.

"Okok I won't laugh at you!" she squealed out, doing anything to get him to stop. So finally he did, his hands left her sides and she was left a panting mess. "How dare you?"

"I haven't even gotten to the best part."

Kris looked at him in horror, expecting him to tickle her again. Instead, he leaned down and captured her lips for the second time that week. For a moment she forgot where she was and kissed back, loving the pleasurable feeling of his lips on her own. She could feel his scar against her own lips but liked it, it made his kiss unique.

The scar made her realize exactly what was happening. So then she shoved him back, scrambling away and to her feet. Hawk stared at her in fear, hoping he hadn't hurt her or made her uncomfortable. His first thought was that she hated his scar, and almost reached up to hide it like he used to.

"Wait-You said this would never happen again. You promised, Hawk." She had gotten hurt, again.

"I know, I know. But...I like you. I do I really really like you. Even if We haven't know each other that long, even if I just broke up with Moon, I like you, K. I want to be with you." He stood up from the floor and approached her, barely a foot away now. He took her hand in his own. "It took me a minute to realize I liked you, because I didn't feel this way for Moon. You're different, special. I like you and I want to be with you."

Kris was quiet. His words sounded sincere, but how was she supposed to believe him.

"I won't be a rebound."

"I'm not asking you to be. I'm asking you to be my girlfriend. I don't love Moon anymore, I want you."

She hesitated. I mean anyone would. Hawk just the other day was upset because Moon dumped him and now here he was talking about wanting her. It scared her, but she was a dumb teenager.

"Okay, yes I'll be your girlfriend." He grinned like a madman and leaned down to kiss her again.

That moment was perfection, even if everything was going to go to shit soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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