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Days passed, and Kris was happier than ever. Aisha had introduced the sisters to her friend group, which mostly consisted of Miguel and Hawk. But both men were nice to hangout with. Kris noticed her sisters attraction towards the black haired male, it made her tease her relentlessly. Tory explained she wanted to get to know him better before anything happened.

Kris began to notice herself falling behind. As a slow learner it wasn't easy for her. She could ask Tory but she would probably tease her then accidentally hurt her. She decided to ask Hawk, as he was pretty good at this and was always patient with her.

"Hey, Can we talk?" Kris approached Hawk one day after karate.

"Sure what's up?" He barely even looked up as he started to unbutton his shirt and get changed. Kris's face turned a shade of red and she even considered saying never mind and walking away.

"Uh, I was wondering if you could help me out." Kris couldn't tell if he was doing this on purpose as he stripped himself of the top part of his gi. She spent a couple seconds admiring him before looking down to the floor, her face felt hot.

"With what?"

"Uh, I'm a slow learner and I was hoping you could catch me up in Karate." Kris spoke hesitantly, suddenly wondering if this was a good idea. "You totally don't have to!"

"Sure. Tomorrow work for you?" Kris quickly checked her mental schedule before nodding. "Cool, meet me at my place at 2, okay?" Kris gave another nod as Hawk put on his shirt and said his goodbyes before leaving.

Kris shouldn't of felt his giddy inside, Hawk had a girlfriend and she knew it. But she hadn't felt this attracted to someone in a while. It made her a little sad knowing Hawk already had such a beautiful girlfriend, and even went to go get a tattoo for her.

She brushed off the thoughts and went home, ignoring the sadness lingering in her brain.

Tomorrow came and Kris showed up at his house at two. A lady opened the door who Kris immediately assumed was his mom.

"Hi you must be Kris! Eli said you were coming." she grinned. Kris was confused for a few seconds before she realized Eli must be Hawk as there was no way he was legally named Hawk. "Come in."

Kris stepped inside the home with a small thank you.

"Eli is in the basement setting up for you two. Quick question though, I thought him and Moon were together still...?" Mrs Moskowitz raised an eyebrow.

"Oh god-nono they are, were just friends. I need help with karate." She made an 'o' motion with her mouth.

"Ok well, the stairs are right through those doors and watch your step." Kris said a thank you and went in the direction she pointed in. The stairs were a bit steep but she made it down in record time.

"Hey!" Hawk glanced up as she spoke.

"Hey, are you ready?" he smiled a little at her. Kris gave a nod and put down her stuff, more than ready for a lesson.

He had placed out some old mats, ones that would guarantee neither got hurt which was reassuring. They both took off their shoes and bowed to the mat before stepping on.

2 hours later, both teens were sweaty messes. Kris had the time of her life. She had gotten it mostly down and as long as she went through them a few times on her own she would be fine. Hawk was a decently good teacher.

"So what made you get into karate?" Kris sat down on the floor, taking a break.

"Uh..." He looked a little uncomfortable with the topic. "I used to be really weak, and I got teased a lot for my lip." Kris glanced down at his scar. "So when I saw Miguel stand up to Kyler using karate, I figured why not."

"I don't get it, your lip looks badass, man. Looks like a battle scar." Kris giggled, trying to lighten the situation.

"Yeah well, that was before I got my hawk," He pointed to his hair. "I was a pussy back then." His face was hard, cold.

"Hair doesn't make you a non-pussy. It's up to you to change who you are." With that, Kris stood up to start again.

Another half hour and it was time for them to leave for karate. Hawks mom drove, which wasn't bad considering it was a parent. Hawk did seem a little embarrassed that his own mom made him sit in the back so Kris could have front seat, but he was gentleman and didn't complain.

After Kris met up with her sister, they changed quickly into their gi's and waited for the lesson.

It started out with the two sensei's sparing slowly, showing what to do in certain situations. Kris sat in between Hawk and Aisha, watching closely.

"Ok pay attention." Lawrence spoke as Kreese got his arm wrapped around his neck. "He's got my neck. I've got his elbow. If I try to break out..."

"I dig in, and I put him to sleep." Kreese continued, showing the students.

"If i go for his ribs..."

"He completely exposes his chest." The two demonstrated before going back into position.

"Two difficult choices, what do you do?"

The worse option would be being put to sleep because you can't fight at all. If you get a kick to the chest you could easily recover. But there's always another way. He could flip him over-

Kris thoughts were cut off by Lawrence throwing both Sensei's to the ground. She looked at them confused but realized what he had just done.

"You damn the consequences and you power forward." They stood up.

"You may get hurt, but nobody wins by doing nothing." Kreese continued.

"You make a choice. You make a move. You go all in."

After Karate the group decided to go to a restaurant to eat. Even Moon went, which made Kris a little jealous seeing her kiss Hawk but she had met him while they were together, so it wasn't her place.

The four girls sat at a table together, Moon and Tory on one side and Kris and Aisha on the other. Moon was on her phone, looking at the girl who Aisha gave a front wedgie too and apparently Moon's former best friend.

"Oh my god. Yasmine has the same bikini as me." Kris cringed a little bit at the girl talk.

"Tell her she can stay in france." Aisha mumbled in irritation.

"Yeah or else we may need to give her a double wedgie." Kris glanced at her glasses wearing friend. "You take front I got back."

"Rip that bitch in half." Aisha and Kris high fived. Moon looked heavily uncomfortable with the conversation but Kris could of cared less.

Kris glanced back in enough time to see her sister chuck a large piece of ice at Miguel, making her laugh a bit. Miguel hadn't got off his computer since the group got there, and it was incredibly frustrating to Tory apparently.

"Hey." Miguel said in mock annoyance before going back to his computer.

"Oops, must've slipped out of my hand." Tory said mockingly back.

"Yes and halfway across the restaurant." Kris said sarcastically to the two others, making them laugh. Aisha and Kris then struck a conversation about something random, while Moon was on her phone. Tory continued to bother Miguel.

When they were all finished eating, Hawk came over to her at a fast pace, a phone in his hand.

"Look at this." Kris took the phone from his hand as he leaned over the back of her chair. Kris scrolled and read the terrible review of cobra kai.

"Are you kidding me?! Who wrote this?" She turned towards him.

"My old friend Demetri. He's a deadman. You wanna help?" Kris gave an eager nod.

The two failed to noticed the look of jealousy from Moon, not liking their close proximity.

She can Fight || Hawk/E. MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now